Almost Half of Private Renters Living with Damp or Mould – Even in Summer, Citizens Advice Warns

As the summer sun shines across the UK, a surprising and concerning issue has come to light. Despite the warmer weather, nearly half of private renters are enduring conditions that no one should have to face in their homes: damp and mould. This alarming revelation comes from a recent report by Citizens Advice, highlighting a persistent problem that affects the health and wellbeing of many tenants.

The Scale of the Problem

According to Citizens Advice, around 40% of private renters have experienced problems with damp or mould in their homes. This issue, often associated with colder and wetter months, has shown a stubborn persistence even during the summer. Such living conditions are not only uncomfortable but also pose serious health risks, particularly to those with respiratory conditions, allergies, and vulnerable individuals such as children and the elderly.

Health Implications

Damp and mould can lead to a range of health issues, from minor irritations to more serious conditions. These include:

  • Respiratory problems: Mould spores can cause or exacerbate conditions like asthma and bronchitis.
  • Allergic reactions: Exposure to mould can trigger allergies, leading to symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, and skin rashes.
  • Weakened immune system: Prolonged exposure to damp and mould can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections.

Legal Obligations of Landlords

Landlords have a legal duty to ensure that their properties are fit for human habitation. This includes taking steps to address and prevent issues like damp and mould. Under the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018, tenants have the right to take legal action if their landlord fails to maintain the property to a livable standard.

However, the persistent prevalence of these issues suggests that many landlords are either unaware of their responsibilities or are neglecting them. Tenants often find themselves in a difficult position, hesitant to report problems for fear of retaliation or rent increases.

What Can Tenants Do?

If you are a tenant dealing with damp or mould, there are steps you can take to address the issue:

  1. Report the problem: Inform your landlord or letting agent as soon as you notice any signs of damp or mould. It is their responsibility to address these issues.
  2. Document everything: Keep a record of all communications with your landlord and take photographs of the affected areas.
  3. Seek advice: If your landlord is not responding or addressing the issue, seek advice from organizations like Citizens Advice or a legal professional.
  4. Consider legal action: If all else fails, you may need to take legal action to ensure your living conditions are brought up to standard.

How KhanMather Can Help

At KhanMather, we understand the stress and health risks associated with living in substandard conditions. Our experienced team of solicitors is dedicated to helping tenants navigate their rights and take action against negligent landlords. We offer expert advice and representation to ensure your home is safe and habitable.

If you are experiencing issues with damp or mould in your rental property, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to support you in asserting your rights and improving your living conditions.


The revelation that almost half of private renters are living with damp or mould, even in the summer, is a stark reminder of the ongoing issues within the rental sector. It is crucial for landlords to fulfil their legal obligations and for tenants to be aware of their rights. At KhanMather, we are committed to ensuring that every tenant has access to a safe and healthy living environment.

If you need assistance or advice regarding your rental situation, contact KhanMather today. Let us help you take the necessary steps to secure a better home and protect your health. Call us on 0161 850 9911 to discuss.

Understanding Tenant Rights: The Importance of Deposit Protection

Understanding Tenant Rights: The Importance of Deposit Protection

As the rental market continues to flourish, more individuals and families are opting for the convenience and flexibility of renting a property. However, with this surge in rental agreements comes an array of legal obligations and responsibilities for both landlords and tenants. One crucial aspect of these responsibilities is the protection of tenants’ deposits.

Deposit protection is not just a legal requirement; it’s a fundamental aspect of ensuring fairness and security for tenants. Unfortunately, despite clear regulations in place, some landlords fail to comply with their obligations, leaving tenants vulnerable to financial losses and disputes.

The Legal Landscape: Deposit Protection Regulations

, landlords are required by law to protect their tenants’ deposits in a government-approved tenancy deposit scheme (TDP). These schemes are designed to safeguard tenants’ money and provide an impartial resolution service in case of disputes.

Under the Housing Act 2004, landlords must adhere to specific requirements             when handling tenants’ deposits:

  1. Deposit Protection: Landlords must protect deposits in a TDP within 30 days of receiving them. They must also provide tenants with prescribed information regarding the deposit protection scheme within the same timeframe.
  2. Prescribed Information: This includes details about the scheme being used, how to apply for the release of the deposit, and what to do in case of a dispute.
  3. Penalties for Non-Compliance: Failure to comply with deposit protection regulations can result in significant penalties for landlords. This may include fines of up to three times the deposit amount and limitations on serving eviction notices.

Common Issues Faced by Tenants

Despite these legal requirements, tenants often encounter issues related to their deposits. Some of the most common problems include:

  1. Non-Protection of Deposits: Some landlords fail to protect tenants’ deposits altogether, leaving them vulnerable to financial losses at the end of their tenancy.
  2. Late Protection: Even if landlords eventually protect deposits, delays in doing so can cause anxiety and uncertainty for tenants.
  3. Incorrect Prescribed Information: In some cases, landlords provide incomplete or inaccurate prescribed information, which can lead to confusion and disputes during the tenancy or at its conclusion.
  4. Deductions Without Justification: When it comes time to return the deposit, tenants may find that landlords have made deductions without valid reasons or evidence, leading to disputes over the deposit’s return.

Tenant Rights and Remedies

Fortunately, tenants have legal rights and remedies available to them if they encounter issues with their deposits:

  1. Legal Advice: Tenants should seek legal advice if they believe their landlord has failed to protect their deposit or has made unjustified deductions.
  2. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Most TDP schemes offer ADR services to help resolve disputes between landlords and tenants without the need for court proceedings.
  3. Court Action: In cases of severe non-compliance or disputes that cannot be resolved through ADR, tenants have the right to take legal action against their landlord.
  4. Compensation: If a landlord fails to protect a deposit or comply with other deposit protection requirements, tenants may be entitled to compensation of up to three times the deposit amount.


Deposit protection is a crucial aspect of ensuring fairness and security in the rental market. Tenants must be aware of their rights regarding deposit protection and take action if they believe their landlord has failed to comply with their legal obligations. By understanding their rights and seeking appropriate remedies, tenants can safeguard their financial interests and uphold their rights as tenants in the UK rental market. If you believe your landlord has not complied with deposit protection regulations, don’t hesitate to seek legal advice from one of our highly qualified professionals and explore your options for recourse. Your deposit is your right, and it’s essential to ensure it is protected according to the law.

Understanding Legal Constraints: What May Restrict You from Altering Your New Home

Congratulations! You’ve finally found your dream home, the one you’ve been envisioning for years. However, before you start knocking down walls or installing that trendy new fireplace, it’s essential to understand the legal constraints that may restrict your ability to alter your new abode. While it’s natural to want to personalize your space, navigating the legal landscape is crucial to avoid any potential pitfalls. Here’s a comprehensive guide to what may restrict you from making alterations to your new home.

Planning Permission: One of the most significant legal considerations when altering your home is obtaining planning permission. This permission is required for significant changes, such as extensions, conversions, or any modifications that affect the external appearance of the property. The local planning authority governs planning permission, and failure to obtain it can result in enforcement action, fines, or even the requirement to undo the alterations.

Listed Buildings: If your new home is a listed building, it comes with additional restrictions. Listed buildings are protected by law due to their historical or architectural significance. Alterations to listed buildings require consent from the local planning authority, and even minor changes may be subject to stringent regulations. It’s essential to consult with heritage experts and the relevant authorities before making any alterations to listed properties.

Conservation Areas: If your new home is located within a conservation area, you’ll face stricter regulations when it comes to alterations. Conservation areas are designated by local authorities to preserve their special architectural or historic interest. Any changes to the external appearance of properties within conservation areas require planning permission, and authorities may have specific guidelines to ensure alterations are sympathetic to the area’s character.

Restrictive Covenants: Some properties are subject to restrictive covenants imposed by previous owners or developers. These covenants may restrict certain alterations or land use, such as building extensions, installing satellite dishes, or running a business from home. It’s crucial to review the property’s title deeds to identify any restrictive covenants and seek legal advice if necessary.

Party Wall Agreements: If your planned alterations involve work on a shared wall or boundary with a neighbouring property, you’ll need to comply with the Party Wall etc. Act 1996. This legislation requires you to serve notice to adjoining property owners, outlining your proposed works and giving them the opportunity to consent or dissent. Failure to adhere to the Party Wall Act can result in disputes and legal proceedings.

Building Regulations: Even if your alterations do not require planning permission, they may still be subject to building regulations. Building regulations ensure that alterations meet safety, structural integrity, and energy efficiency standards. Common alterations such as structural changes, electrical rewiring, or installing new plumbing systems typically require approval from the local building control authority.

Leasehold Restrictions: If you’re purchasing a leasehold property, you’ll need to review the terms of the lease carefully. Leasehold properties often come with restrictions imposed by the freeholder, such as prohibitions on alterations, subletting, or keeping pets. It’s essential to understand these restrictions before purchasing the property and seek legal advice if necessary.

In conclusion, while owning your dream home is undoubtedly exciting, it’s essential to navigate the legal constraints that may restrict your ability to alter the property. From planning permission to listed building regulations and restrictive covenants, understanding and complying with these legal requirements is crucial to avoid fines, disputes, or even legal action. Consulting with our legal experts and relevant authorities can help ensure that your alterations proceed smoothly and legally, allowing you to create the home of your dreams within the bounds of the law.

Understanding and Navigating Tenancy Deposit Claims in the UK

Protecting Landlords and Tenants through Legal Expertise

In the ever-evolving landscape of property rental in the UK, understanding the intricacies of tenancy deposit claims is paramount for both landlords and tenants alike. With the rise in rental disputes and legal complexities surrounding deposits, having a comprehensive grasp of your rights and obligations is crucial. At Khan Mather, we specialise in providing clarity and guidance on these matters, ensuring fair resolution for all parties involved.

  1. The Importance of Tenancy Deposit Protection

Since the introduction of the Tenancy Deposit Protection (TDP) schemes in 2007, landlords in England and Wales are legally required to protect their tenants’ deposits in government-approved schemes. This legislation aims to safeguard tenants’ money and provide a fair mechanism for resolving disputes at the end of the tenancy.

  1. Understanding Deposit Deductions

Disputes often arise when landlords wish to make deductions from the deposit at the end of the tenancy. While deductions are permissible for damages beyond fair wear and tear or unpaid rent, they must be justified and reasonable. Our legal experts can assist landlords in navigating these complexities, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and minimizing the risk of disputes.

  1. Tenant Rights and Recourse

For tenants, understanding their rights regarding deposit protection is crucial. Tenants have the right to the return of their deposit at the end of the tenancy, provided they have met their obligations under the tenancy agreement. If disputes arise over deductions or the return of the deposit, tenants can seek recourse through the TDP schemes or, if necessary, legal channels. Our firm provides comprehensive support to tenants, advocating for their rights and interests throughout the process.

  1. Resolving Disputes Amicably

While disputes over tenancy deposits can be contentious, resolving them amicably is often in the best interests of both parties. Through negotiation and mediation, our experienced solicitors strive to reach fair and mutually acceptable outcomes, avoiding the time, cost, and stress associated with lengthy court proceedings.

  1. Legal Recourse and Litigation

In cases where disputes cannot be resolved through negotiation or mediation, litigation may be necessary. Our firm boasts a team of skilled litigators with extensive experience in tenancy deposit claims, equipped to represent clients effectively in court proceedings. Whether you are a landlord seeking to defend your deposit deductions or a tenant disputing unfair deductions, we are committed to achieving the best possible outcome on your behalf.

  1. Staying Compliant with Evolving Legislation

As legislation surrounding tenancy deposits continues to evolve, staying compliant is paramount for landlords and letting agents. Our firm remains abreast of any changes to relevant laws and regulations, providing proactive guidance to clients to ensure compliance and mitigate legal risks.

Conclusion: Expert Guidance for Tenancy Deposit Claims

At Khan Mather, we recognize the complexities and challenges inherent in tenancy deposit claims. Whether you are a landlord seeking to protect your interests or a tenant asserting your rights, our team of legal experts is here to provide the guidance and support you need. With our wealth of experience and commitment to excellence, we are dedicated to achieving fair and equitable outcomes for all parties involved. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your tenancy deposit claims.

Navigating Legal Professional Privilege in Civil Litigation: A Comprehensive Guide


In the realm of civil litigation, legal professional privilege stands as a cornerstone principle safeguarding the confidentiality of communications between solicitors and their clients. As a fundamental aspect of the legal landscape, understanding the nuances of this privilege is imperative for both legal practitioners and their clients. In this guide, we delve into the intricacies of legal professional privilege within the context of civil litigation, shedding light on its importance, scope, and exceptions.

Understanding Legal Professional Privilege: Legal professional privilege, embodies the confidentiality inherent in the relationship between a solicitor and their client. This privilege serves to protect communications exchanged between them from disclosure to third parties, including courts, tribunals, and opposing parties.

Types of Legal Professional Privilege:

  1. Legal Advice Privilege: This privilege extends to confidential communications between a client and their lawyer for the purpose of seeking or receiving legal advice. It covers not only advice given but also any documents created with the dominant purpose of seeking or providing legal advice.
  2. Litigation Privilege: Unlike legal advice privilege, litigation privilege comes into play when litigation is either ongoing or reasonably anticipated. It shields communications between a client, their lawyer, and third parties, provided they are made for the dominant purpose of preparing for or conducting litigation.

Exceptions and Limitations: While legal professional privilege is a fundamental aspect of the legal system, it is not absolute. There are exceptions and limitations that one must be aware of:

  • Waiver: Privilege can be waived if the client voluntarily discloses the privileged information to third parties.
  • Crime or Fraud Exception: Privilege may not apply if legal advice or assistance is sought for the purpose of committing a crime or fraud.
  • Communications with Third Parties: Privilege generally does not extend to communications with third parties unless they are made in furtherance of obtaining legal advice or preparing for litigation.

Challenges and Practical Considerations: Navigating legal professional privilege in civil litigation can pose various challenges and require careful consideration. From determining the applicability of privilege to managing potential waivers and exceptions, legal practitioners must exercise diligence and expertise to uphold their clients’ confidentiality rights while effectively representing their interests in litigation.

Conclusion: Legal professional privilege serves as a cornerstone principle in civil litigation, safeguarding the confidentiality of communications between solicitors and their clients. Understanding its scope, exceptions, and practical implications is essential for both legal practitioners and their clients. By staying informed and navigating privilege with care, parties involved in civil litigation can uphold the integrity of the legal process while protecting their rights and interests.

Legal Issues at Bellway Homes Development: Bassingbourn Fields

At KhanMather, we strive to keep our clients informed about critical legal developments that may affect them, particularly in the property and real estate sectors. Recently, significant concerns have arisen around the Bellway Homes development at Bassingbourn Fields, Fordham, Cambridgeshire. As a leading UK law firm specializing in property law, we believe it is essential to address these issues and offer our legal perspective on the situation.

Overview of the Bassingbourn Fields Development

Bellway Homes, one of the UK’s largest housebuilders, has developed the Bassingbourn Fields estate in Fordham, Cambridgeshire. The project was marketed as a high-quality residential community, offering modern homes designed to meet the needs of a growing population. However, residents and prospective buyers have reported various issues since the development’s completion, raising questions about the project’s quality, safety, and overall compliance with planning regulations.

Structural Defects and Quality Concerns

One of the primary concerns raised by homeowners at Bassingbourn Fields involves the quality of construction. Several residents have reported structural defects in their properties, including issues with the foundations, roofing, and brickwork. Such defects not only diminish the value of the homes but also pose potential safety risks to the occupants.

Under English & Welsh law, builders are required to adhere to strict building regulations to ensure the safety and durability of residential properties. If Bellway Homes has failed to meet these standards, affected homeowners may have grounds to pursue legal action for breach of contract, negligence, or misrepresentation.

Planning Permission and Compliance Issues

Another significant issue at Bassingbourn Fields concerns planning permission and compliance with local authority regulations. There have been allegations that certain aspects of the development did not fully comply with the approved planning consent. This could include discrepancies in the layout, the use of materials, or the overall design of the estate.

If these allegations are proven, they could have serious legal implications for Bellway Homes. Non-compliance with planning permission not only undermines the trust between developers and local authorities but also affects the legal rights of homeowners who purchased properties based on the original plans. In such cases, residents may be entitled to seek redress through the courts, which could result in modifications to the development or compensation.

Environmental and Infrastructure Concerns

The development at Bassingbourn Fields has also sparked concerns about its impact on the local environment and infrastructure. Residents have voiced worries about inadequate drainage systems, which have led to flooding in some areas of the estate. Additionally, the increased traffic and strain on local services have raised questions about whether the necessary infrastructure was adequately planned and implemented.

In England & Wales, developers are often required to conduct environmental impact assessments (EIAs) before starting construction. If Bellway Homes failed to address these concerns adequately, they could face legal challenges from both residents and environmental groups.

What Can Affected Homeowners Do?

If you are a homeowner at Bassingbourn Fields or a prospective buyer facing these issues, it is crucial to understand your legal rights and options. Here at KhanMather, our experienced property litigation team can assist you in navigating these complex legal matters.

1. Review Your Purchase Contract: The first step is to carefully review your purchase contract and any warranties provided by Bellway Homes. These documents will outline the developer’s obligations and your rights as a homeowner.

2. Seek Legal Advice: If you believe that Bellway Homes has breached their contract or failed to meet the required building standards, it is essential to seek legal advice. Our team can help you assess the strength of your case and advise on the best course of action.

3. Consider Legal Action: In cases where defects or non-compliance issues are severe, you may need to consider legal action. This could involve pursuing a claim for compensation or requiring the developer to rectify the problems.

4. Engage with Local Authorities: If there are concerns about planning permission or environmental impact, engaging with local authorities may be necessary. They can investigate these issues and take action if the developer has violated regulations.


The situation at Bassingbourn Fields highlights the importance of vigilance when purchasing new-build properties. While many developments proceed without issue, cases like this underscore the need for thorough due diligence and, when necessary, legal intervention.

At KhanMather, we are committed to protecting the rights of homeowners and ensuring that developers are held accountable for their obligations. If you are experiencing issues with your property at Bassingbourn Fields or any other development, our team is here to provide the legal support you need.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, please contact our Property Litigation Team today on 0161 850 9911.