Understanding Labour’s Proposed Changes to Employment Law

As the political landscape evolves, so too does the framework within which businesses and employees operate. The Labour Party in the UK has recently put forward a series of proposals aimed at reforming employment law, signalling potentially significant changes for both employers and employees. At KhanMather, we recognise the importance of staying informed about these developments to ensure compliance and to leverage opportunities for growth and fairness within your organisation. Here, we break down the key aspects of Labour’s proposed changes and what they could mean for you.

Strengthening Workers’ Rights

Labour’s proposals are centred on bolstering workers’ rights, aiming to create a more equitable working environment. Some of the most noteworthy changes include:

  1. Abolishing Zero-Hours Contracts: Labour plans to eliminate zero-hours contracts, which currently allow employers to hire staff with no guaranteed hours of work. This move is intended to provide workers with more stability and predictable incomes.
  2. Introducing a Living Wage: Raising the minimum wage to a “real living wage” is a cornerstone of Labour’s proposals. This would ensure that workers earn enough to cover basic living costs, significantly increasing the minimum wage from its current rate.
  3. Enhancing Sick Pay and Parental Leave: The proposals include increasing statutory sick pay and extending parental leave, thereby supporting workers who need time off due to illness or to care for their children.
  4. Strengthening Trade Unions: Labour aims to reinvigorate trade unions by simplifying the process for joining and increasing their bargaining power. This includes making it easier for unions to gain recognition in workplaces.

Impact on Employers

For employers, these proposals represent both challenges and opportunities. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Cost Implications: The shift to a living wage and enhanced benefits like increased sick pay and parental leave could lead to higher payroll costs. Employers will need to budget for these changes and potentially adjust their pricing strategies.
  2. Operational Adjustments: Abolishing zero-hours contracts means employers must provide more predictable schedules and potentially invest in a larger, more stable workforce. This could affect industries that rely heavily on flexible, part-time labour.
  3. Union Negotiations: With stronger trade unions, employers might face more collective bargaining scenarios. It’s crucial to prepare for negotiations and understand the legal implications of union recognition and activities.
  4. Compliance Requirements: Keeping up with the new legal requirements will be essential. Employers should seek legal counsel to ensure that contracts, policies, and practices are updated accordingly.

Benefits for Employees

For employees, Labour’s proposals promise greater security and improved working conditions:

  1. Job Stability: The end of zero-hours contracts means more predictable schedules and income, providing greater financial security.
  2. Fair Compensation: A living wage ensures that employees are better compensated for their work, improving their standard of living.
  3. Better Support Systems: Enhanced sick pay and parental leave provide workers with the necessary support during critical times, fostering a more supportive work environment.
  4. Stronger Representation: More powerful trade unions can better advocate for workers’ rights, leading to improved working conditions and benefits.

Preparing for Change

While these proposals are still in the legislative pipeline, it’s prudent for both employers and employees to start preparing. Employers should review current employment practices, seek legal advice, and consider the financial and operational impacts of these potential changes. Employees, on the other hand, should stay informed about their rights and the support available to them.

At KhanMather, we are committed to helping you navigate these changes smoothly. Whether you’re an employer seeking to align with new regulations or an employee looking to understand your rights, our expert legal team is here to provide the guidance you need.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights on this evolving topic. If you have any questions or need specific legal advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Contact KhanMather today on 0161 850 9911 to ensure your business or career is ready for the future of employment law.

Building on Grey Belt Land: Labour’s Proposal and What It Means for You


At KhanMather, we understand that property development and land use are critical issues for our clients and the communities we serve. Recently, Labour has proposed building on grey belt land, a topic that has sparked considerable debate. This blog will delve into what grey belt land is, Labour’s proposals, and the potential implications for developers, homeowners, and the environment.

What is Grey Belt Land?

Grey belt land refers to areas that are not designated as green belt (protected from most forms of development to preserve the countryside) but are also not classified as urban or brownfield land. These lands are often on the fringes of urban areas, including underutilized plots, semi-rural spaces, and previously developed sites that have reverted to a more natural state.

Labour’s Proposal

Labour’s proposal aims to address the UK’s housing crisis by facilitating the development of new homes on grey belt land. This initiative seeks to balance the need for more housing with environmental and community considerations. The key aspects of the proposal include:

  1. Targeted Development: Focusing on grey belt areas that can accommodate housing without significantly impacting the environment or local infrastructure.
  2. Sustainable Building: Encouraging eco-friendly construction practices to minimize carbon footprints and promote sustainability.
  3. Community Engagement: Ensuring local communities have a say in how grey belt land is developed, maintaining a degree of control over the character and growth of their areas.
  4. Affordability: Prioritizing affordable housing to address the growing demand for homes that the average person can afford.

Potential Implications

  1. For Developers: This proposal could open up new opportunities for developers looking to build in areas previously off-limits. It offers a chance to contribute to solving the housing crisis while adopting innovative and sustainable building practices. However, developers will need to navigate new regulations and ensure community buy-in.
  2. For Homeowners: Existing homeowners may see changes in their local environment as grey belt areas are developed. While this could mean improved local infrastructure and services, it may also raise concerns about increased traffic, changes in the landscape, and property values. Engaging in community consultations will be crucial to address these concerns.
  3. For the Environment: While developing grey belt land can help reduce pressure on green belts and protect more pristine natural areas, it also poses environmental challenges. Sustainable building practices and careful planning will be essential to mitigate negative impacts, such as loss of habitats and increased pollution.

Balancing Development and Preservation

The crux of Labour’s proposal lies in balancing the urgent need for more housing with the preservation of the environment and community character. This delicate balance will require robust planning, clear guidelines, and active participation from all stakeholders, including local authorities, developers, and residents.

How KhanMather Can Help

At KhanMather, we offer expert legal advice and services to navigate the complexities of land use and property development. Our team can assist with:

  • Planning and Permissions: Guiding you through the planning process and securing necessary permissions for development on grey belt land.
  • Sustainability Compliance: Ensuring your projects meet environmental standards and regulations.
  • Community Engagement: Facilitating effective communication and consultation with local communities to garner support and address concerns.
  • Dispute Resolution: Providing solutions for any disputes or legal challenges that may arise during the development process.


Labour’s proposal to build on grey belt land presents both opportunities and challenges. By understanding the implications and preparing accordingly, stakeholders can contribute to addressing the housing crisis in a sustainable and community-friendly manner. At KhanMather, we are committed to supporting our clients through every step of this process, ensuring that development projects are successful and beneficial for all involved.

For more information or to discuss your specific needs, please contact our team at KhanMather. We’re here to help you navigate the future of land development with confidence and expertise.


Exploring Dutch-Style Mortgages: A New Frontier in the UK Housing Market

Exploring Dutch-Style Mortgages: A New Frontier in the UK Housing Market

Introduction: In recent years, the UK housing market has seen a surge in innovative financial products aimed at making homeownership more accessible. One such product that has been gaining attention is the Dutch-style mortgage. Originating from the Netherlands, these mortgages offer a unique approach to borrowing that differs significantly from traditional UK mortgages. As a leading UK law firm dedicated to serving the needs of homeowners and property investors, we find it essential to explore this emerging trend and its implications for our clients.

Understanding Dutch-Style Mortgages: At its core, a Dutch-style mortgage, also known as a “lifetime mortgage” or “interest-only mortgage,” operates differently from conventional repayment mortgages prevalent in the UK. Instead of gradually paying down the principal loan amount over the term of the mortgage, borrowers make monthly interest payments while the principal amount remains constant. This means that the loan balance does not decrease over time, potentially allowing borrowers to benefit from lower monthly payments compared to traditional mortgages.

Key Features and Benefits:

  1. Lower Monthly Payments: By only paying the interest on the loan, borrowers may enjoy lower monthly payments compared to repayment mortgages, making homeownership more affordable, especially for first-time buyers or those with limited income.
  2. Flexibility: Dutch-style mortgages offer greater flexibility in managing cash flow. Borrowers have the option to make additional payments towards the principal when financially viable, reducing the overall loan balance and potentially shortening the mortgage term.
  3. Investment Opportunities: The lower monthly payments associated with Dutch-style mortgages may free up capital for investment in other ventures, such as property improvements, education, or retirement savings.

Potential Risks and Considerations: While Dutch-style mortgages offer certain advantages, they also come with unique risks and considerations that borrowers should carefully evaluate:

  1. Interest Rate Fluctuations: As with any mortgage, changes in interest rates can impact monthly payments. Borrowers should be prepared for potential fluctuations and plan accordingly.
  2. Negative Equity: Since the principal loan amount remains constant, there is a risk of negative equity if property values decrease. Borrowers should monitor market trends and consider measures to mitigate this risk.
  3. Long-Term Commitment: Dutch-style mortgages are typically long-term commitments, and borrowers should assess their ability to sustain interest payments over the duration of the loan.

Legal Implications and Regulatory Considerations: From a legal perspective, Dutch-style mortgages introduce new considerations for both borrowers and lenders. As a reputable UK law firm, we emphasize the importance of conducting thorough due diligence and seeking expert legal advice when considering such financial products. Key legal implications and regulatory considerations may include:

  1. Compliance: Ensuring compliance with relevant UK financial regulations and consumer protection laws.
  2. Documentation: Reviewing and drafting mortgage agreements, ensuring clarity and transparency regarding terms and conditions.
  3. Risk Assessment: Conducting risk assessments to evaluate the suitability of Dutch-style mortgages for individual borrowers and their specific financial circumstances.

Conclusion: Dutch-style mortgages represent a novel approach to borrowing in the UK housing market, offering unique benefits and considerations for homeowners and property investors. As this trend continues to evolve, it is essential for borrowers to educate themselves on the intricacies of these financial products and seek professional guidance to make informed decisions. At Khan Mather, we remain committed to providing expert legal counsel and support to our clients navigating the complexities of the real estate landscape, including innovative mortgage solutions like Dutch-style mortgages. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in achieving your homeownership goals while safeguarding your legal interests.


Bamboo: The New Japanese Knotweed?

In recent years, the UK has seen a rising concern over the invasive nature of certain non-native plant species. Japanese Knotweed has long been the notorious villain in this tale, wreaking havoc on property values, structural integrity, and local ecosystems. However, a new contender is emerging that may soon overshadow even the infamous Knotweed: Bamboo.

The Rise of Bamboo in the UK

Bamboo, often associated with serene landscapes and sustainable living, has gained popularity in the UK for its aesthetic appeal and fast growth. Its hardy nature and ability to create privacy screens quickly have made it a favourite among gardeners and landscapers. However, this very characteristic—its rapid growth—has also led to unforeseen consequences.

The Bamboo Threat

While bamboo might seem like a benign addition to your garden, certain species can become highly invasive. Much like Japanese Knotweed, bamboo can spread aggressively if not properly contained. Its roots, known as rhizomes, can extend far beyond the initial planting area, infiltrating neighbouring properties, damaging structures, and disrupting local ecosystems.

Legal Implications for Property Owners

At KhanMather, we have witnessed an increasing number of cases where bamboo has caused significant legal disputes between neighbours. The legal implications of allowing bamboo to encroach on adjoining properties can be severe. Property owners may find themselves liable for the damage caused, facing costly removal processes and potential litigation.

The UK government has already taken steps to address invasive species like Japanese Knotweed under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. While bamboo is not yet subject to the same stringent regulations, the growing awareness of its potential impact suggests that more robust legal frameworks could be on the horizon.

Preventive Measures and Responsible Planting

Prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to invasive plants. If you’re considering planting bamboo, it’s crucial to take responsible steps to prevent its spread:

  1. Choose Clumping Varieties: Opt for clumping varieties of bamboo, which are less invasive than running types.
  2. Use Root Barriers: Install root barriers to contain the spread of bamboo rhizomes.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Regularly check and maintain the bamboo to prevent it from spreading uncontrollably.

Managing Existing Bamboo Problems

If you already have bamboo on your property and are concerned about its spread, it’s important to act quickly:

  1. Consult Professionals: Seek advice from professional landscapers or invasive species specialists.
  2. Legal Guidance: If bamboo has spread to a neighbour’s property, legal advice may be necessary to navigate potential disputes and liabilities.
  3. Removal and Control: Effective removal often requires professional intervention, especially for large infestations. This can be a complex and costly process but is essential to prevent further damage.


Bamboo, with its many appealing qualities, can be a beautiful addition to any garden if managed responsibly. However, the parallels between bamboo and Japanese Knotweed are becoming increasingly apparent. At KhanMather, we encourage property owners to be aware of the potential risks and to take proactive steps to prevent bamboo from becoming the new Japanese Knotweed. If you find yourself facing issues related to invasive bamboo, our team is here to provide expert legal advice and support.

For more information or to seek legal assistance, please contact Hannah Cohen on 0161 850 9911. Together, we can ensure your garden remains a place of beauty, not a battleground.

Key insights and updates to thee Building Safety Act

The inception of the Building Safety Act can be attributed to the harrowing Grenfell disaster in 2017. Following the receipt of Royal Assent in April 2022, this legislation primarily seeks to assert control over building safety risks in order to ensure the protection of individuals in and around structures.

Nevertheless, navigating the intricacies of the Act and its associated regulations can prove challenging, as the same terms can carry distinct meanings depending on their context.

This article offers deep insights into the Act’s background and presents recent updates.

If you have any queries about how this legislation may impact you or your business, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Property Litigation team.

Industry Insights: It’s worth noting that the Building Safety Act has triggered a substantial reaction within the property industry’s professional community.

Earlier this year, during a discussion with Place North West, Fiona Fletcher-Smith, the Chief Executive of L&Q, voiced her concerns about the potential ramifications of a skills gap in the UK on the execution of the Building Safety Act.

Likewise, Todd Marler, Senior Director of Operations at Greystar, emphasized the need for the government to take more time to fully comprehend the Act’s consequences when asked about their primary request.

Moreover, Suzannah Nichol MBE, Chief Executive of Build UK, emphasized that organizations should not passively wait for directives but should proactively take initiative.

Commercial Property Focus: While it might be tempting to assume that the Building Safety Act is relevant solely to high-rise residential buildings, the Act, as highlighted in the guidance notes for the Commercial Property Standard Enquiries, is one of the most expansive pieces of real estate legislation in this century.

The Act extends its reach into the commercial property sector, with numerous provisions applicable to all property types, including those concerning building liability orders.

Furthermore, “higher-risk buildings” (HRBs) encompass mixed-use properties, not just exclusively residential structures.

Given the growing presence of assets like purpose-built student accommodation in portfolios, this Act assumes even greater importance for investors.

Building Safety Regulator: A pivotal aspect of the Building Safety Act is the Building Safety Regulator (BSR), entrusted with overseeing and implementing the Act’s core provisions.

One of the BSR’s primary responsibilities is supervising “the safety and standards of all buildings.”

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has been designated as the BSR, as per s2(1) of the Building Safety Act.

Section 3 dictates that, in fulfilling its building-related functions, the BSR must ensure that regulatory activities are carried out transparently, accountably, proportionately, consistently, and only where necessary.

October 2023 Updates: Earlier this year, secondary legislation was introduced, bringing forth a new framework for the design and construction of HRBs under the BSA. This legislation took effect on 1 October 2023.

It mandates compulsory building control procedures, building rules, and amendments to the roles of building control inspectors.

For instance, owners of HRBs are now held accountable for their responsibilities both during construction and occupancy.

Additionally, a ‘Golden Thread’ of information must be created and maintained for every HRB, a regime overseen by the BSR.

Except for HRBs covered by transitional provisions, local authority building control and approved inspectors are no longer options – the BSR is the designated building control authority for all HRBs.

Furthermore, the BSR must approve works and issue a completion certificate before an HRB can be occupied.

1 October 2023 also marked the deadline for registering all existing high-rise residential buildings, with over 13,000 applications initiated by duty holders by that date. It is now an offense to allow residents to occupy an unregistered high-rise residential building.

Looking Ahead: As of 1 April 2024, several additional developments are set to be implemented.

These include the conclusion of transitional arrangements for HRBs, the enforcement of the Professional Conduct Rules for Registered Building Control Approvers (RBCAs) and the Code of Conduct for Registered Building Inspectors (RBIs), as well as the issuance of building assessment certificates by the BSR.

Additionally, 1 April 2024 signifies the deadline for registration as Building Control Approvers and Building Inspectors.

In conclusion, while the regulations introduced on 1 October 2023 added to the existing legal framework in this field, some uncertainty remains as we await the outcomes of related court cases and the enactment of further regulations.



Please contact our property team with any concerns that you may have.

The Ins and Outs of 100% Mortgages



Buying a home is a significant milestone in one’s life, but it often comes with a hefty price tag. Many aspiring homeowners find it challenging to accumulate a substantial deposit for their dream home. This is where 100% mortgages come into play, offering an alternative path to homeownership. In this blog, we’ll explore the concept of 100% mortgages, how they work, their advantages, disadvantages, and whether they are a viable option for prospective homebuyers.


What Are 100% Mortgages?


A 100% mortgage, as the name suggests, allows you to borrow the entire purchase price of your home without the need to provide a deposit. Traditionally, lenders require borrowers to contribute a deposit, typically ranging from 5% to 20% of the property’s value, to secure a mortgage. However, with a 100% mortgage, you can buy a home with no deposit, which may seem like an attractive proposition, especially for first-time buyers.


How Do 100% Mortgages Work?


  1. Guarantor Mortgages: One common form of 100% mortgage in the UK is the guarantor mortgage. In this arrangement, a family member, usually a parent, acts as a guarantor for the loan. They offer their property or savings as collateral, ensuring the lender has a safety net in case the borrower defaults on payments.


  1. Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor Mortgages: Another option is the joint borrower sole proprietor mortgage. In this scenario, a family member joins the mortgage application with the borrower, typically to increase the borrower’s income and improve their affordability. However, the co-borrower does not have any ownership rights to the property.


  1. Specialist Lenders: Some specialist lenders offer 100% mortgages, but they often come with higher interest rates and stricter terms compared to traditional mortgages. These lenders may also require additional collateral or charge higher fees.


Advantages of 100% Mortgages


  1. No Deposit Required: The most significant advantage of a 100% mortgage is that it allows buyers to enter the property market without having to save for a deposit, which can take years.


  1. Access to the Property Market: It provides an opportunity for first-time buyers and those with limited savings to get on the property ladder sooner rather than later.


  1. Family Assistance: It enables families to support their children or relatives in purchasing their first home by acting as guarantors or co-borrowers.


Disadvantages of 100% Mortgages


  1. Higher Interest Rates: 100% mortgages often come with higher interest rates compared to traditional mortgages, which can lead to higher overall costs over the life of the loan.


  1. Limited Lender Options: Not all lenders offer 100% mortgages, and those that do may have stricter eligibility criteria.


  1. Risk to Guarantors: In guarantor mortgages, the guarantor’s property or savings are at risk if the borrower defaults, potentially putting their financial stability in jeopardy.


  1. Less Competitive Terms: Borrowers with a larger deposit typically receive better interest rates and more favourable mortgage terms.


Are 100% Mortgages a Viable Option?


While 100% mortgages can be a lifeline for some aspiring homeowners, they are not without risks and limitations. It’s crucial to carefully consider your financial situation and long-term goals before opting for a 100% mortgage. Here are some key factors to consider:


  1. Affordability: Can you comfortably make the mortgage payments, including interest, insurance, and property taxes, without straining your finances?


  1. Future Financial Stability: Assess your job security and future income prospects. A sudden change in circumstances could make it challenging to meet mortgage obligations.


  1. Alternatives: Explore other homeownership schemes and government-backed initiatives like Help to Buy, Shared Ownership, or the First Homes scheme, which might offer more favorable terms.


  1. Seek Professional Advice: Consult with a mortgage advisor or financial expert to assess your suitability for a 100% mortgage and explore all available options.




100% mortgages can be a valuable tool for prospective homebuyers who lack the funds for a traditional deposit. However, they come with their own set of challenges and risks. It’s essential to thoroughly research and consider your financial situation, long-term goals, and available alternatives before committing to a 100% mortgage. Make informed decisions to ensure that home ownership is a rewarding and sustainable journey for you and your family.


Whilst we cannot offer mortgage advice, please call our property department with any other concerns you may have on 0161 850 9911.