Understanding Trespass to the Person: A Legal Insight into Employer-Servant Assault Cases

In the intricate web of legalities, there are often scenarios that challenge the boundaries of personal rights and responsibilities. One such complex yet pertinent issue is trespass to the person, particularly in cases where an employee faces physical harm at the hands of their employer’s family member. In this blog post, we delve into the legal intricacies surrounding such incidents, shedding light on the rights of the aggrieved party and the potential legal recourse available.

Imagine this scenario: a dedicated servant diligently performs their duties within the confines of their employer’s residence, only to face a violent altercation initiated by the employer’s son. Such situations not only raise concerns about workplace safety but also prompt legal questions regarding liability and accountability.

Trespass to the person, a fundamental concept in tort law, encompasses a range of wrongful acts that directly infringe upon an individual’s physical integrity. These acts can include assault, battery, false imprisonment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. In the context of the scenario described, the assault perpetrated by the employer’s son against the servant constitutes a clear instance of trespass to the person.

The legal ramifications of such an act are multifaceted. Firstly, it’s essential to establish the liability of the employer for the actions of their son. Under the principle of vicarious liability, employers can be held responsible for torts committed by their employees in the course of their employment. However, extending this liability to cover actions committed by family members of the employer requires careful examination of the specific circumstances and the nature of the relationship between the employer and the perpetrator.

Moreover, the severity of the assault and its impact on the victim are crucial factors in determining the legal consequences. In cases of physical harm, the victim may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, loss of earnings, pain, and suffering. Additionally, punitive damages may be awarded to deter similar conduct in the future and to symbolize societal condemnation of the wrongful act.

From a legal standpoint, victims of trespass to the person have the right to seek justice through civil litigation. By initiating legal proceedings against the responsible parties, they can assert their rights and hold wrongdoers accountable for their actions. Furthermore, pursuing legal action sends a powerful message about the importance of upholding the principles of justice and fairness in society.

At KhanMather, we understand the complexities involved in trespass to the person cases and are committed to providing comprehensive legal assistance to victims seeking redress. Our team of experienced solicitors specializes in tort law and is dedicated to advocating for the rights of individuals who have been wronged. If you or someone you know has been a victim of assault or battery, don’t hesitate to contact us for expert guidance and support.

In conclusion, incidents of trespass to the person, such as the one described in the scenario, underscore the significance of safeguarding individual rights and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions. By navigating the legal landscape with diligence and expertise, victims can pursue justice and ensure that their voices are heard. At KhanMather, we stand ready to offer our unwavering support to those in need, upholding the principles of justice and fairness every step of the way.

What Are Your Rights When a Retailer Claims They Didn’t Receive Your Returned Item?

Introduction: In the digital age, online shopping has become an integral part of our lives, offering convenience and accessibility like never before. However, despite the ease of making purchases online, returning items can sometimes lead to complications. One common issue that arises is when a retailer claims they didn’t receive a returned item, leaving consumers wondering about their legal rights in such a situation. At KhanMather, we understand the complexities of consumer law and are here to guide you through your rights in this scenario.

Understanding Your Rights: When you purchase an item online, you enter into a contract with the retailer, which includes the right to return goods under certain circumstances. The Consumer Rights Act 2015 provides consumers with statutory rights when it comes to returning faulty or unwanted items. Under this legislation, you have the right to return an item within 14 days of receiving it for a full refund, regardless of the reason, under the Consumer Contracts Regulations.
However, when it comes to the issue of the retailer claiming they didn’t receive the returned item, things can become more complicated. In such cases, it’s crucial to understand your rights and the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
Proving Return: The burden of proof lies with the consumer to demonstrate that they have returned the item to the retailer. Therefore, it’s essential to keep records of the return, including any tracking information or proof of postage provided by the courier service used. This documentation can serve as evidence in the event of a dispute with the retailer.
Communication: If the retailer claims they didn’t receive the returned item, the first step is to communicate with them to resolve the issue amicably. Provide them with any relevant tracking information or proof of postage and politely request that they investigate the matter further.

Escalation: If communication with the retailer proves unsuccessful, you may need to escalate the issue by seeking legal advice or contacting relevant consumer protection agencies. Organizations such as the Citizens Advice Bureau or Trading Standards can provide guidance on your rights and help you navigate the dispute resolution process.
Chargeback: In cases where you paid for the item using a credit or debit card, you may be able to initiate a chargeback through your card issuer. A chargeback allows you to dispute a transaction and request a refund directly from your card provider if the goods were not received as promised.

Legal Action: As a last resort, you may consider taking legal action against the retailer if they continue to refuse to acknowledge the return or provide a refund. In such instances, seeking advice from a solicitor specializing in consumer law can help you understand your options and determine the best course of action.

Conclusion: Returning an item bought online should be a straightforward process, but complications can arise when the retailer claims they didn’t receive the returned item. However, by understanding your rights under consumer law and taking proactive steps to resolve the issue, you can protect yourself and ensure a fair outcome. At KhanMather, we’re here to support you every step of the way and provide expert legal advice tailored to your specific situation.

Bamboo: The New Japanese Knotweed?

In recent years, the UK has seen a rising concern over the invasive nature of certain non-native plant species. Japanese Knotweed has long been the notorious villain in this tale, wreaking havoc on property values, structural integrity, and local ecosystems. However, a new contender is emerging that may soon overshadow even the infamous Knotweed: Bamboo.

The Rise of Bamboo in the UK

Bamboo, often associated with serene landscapes and sustainable living, has gained popularity in the UK for its aesthetic appeal and fast growth. Its hardy nature and ability to create privacy screens quickly have made it a favourite among gardeners and landscapers. However, this very characteristic—its rapid growth—has also led to unforeseen consequences.

The Bamboo Threat

While bamboo might seem like a benign addition to your garden, certain species can become highly invasive. Much like Japanese Knotweed, bamboo can spread aggressively if not properly contained. Its roots, known as rhizomes, can extend far beyond the initial planting area, infiltrating neighbouring properties, damaging structures, and disrupting local ecosystems.

Legal Implications for Property Owners

At KhanMather, we have witnessed an increasing number of cases where bamboo has caused significant legal disputes between neighbours. The legal implications of allowing bamboo to encroach on adjoining properties can be severe. Property owners may find themselves liable for the damage caused, facing costly removal processes and potential litigation.

The UK government has already taken steps to address invasive species like Japanese Knotweed under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. While bamboo is not yet subject to the same stringent regulations, the growing awareness of its potential impact suggests that more robust legal frameworks could be on the horizon.

Preventive Measures and Responsible Planting

Prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to invasive plants. If you’re considering planting bamboo, it’s crucial to take responsible steps to prevent its spread:

  1. Choose Clumping Varieties: Opt for clumping varieties of bamboo, which are less invasive than running types.
  2. Use Root Barriers: Install root barriers to contain the spread of bamboo rhizomes.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Regularly check and maintain the bamboo to prevent it from spreading uncontrollably.

Managing Existing Bamboo Problems

If you already have bamboo on your property and are concerned about its spread, it’s important to act quickly:

  1. Consult Professionals: Seek advice from professional landscapers or invasive species specialists.
  2. Legal Guidance: If bamboo has spread to a neighbour’s property, legal advice may be necessary to navigate potential disputes and liabilities.
  3. Removal and Control: Effective removal often requires professional intervention, especially for large infestations. This can be a complex and costly process but is essential to prevent further damage.


Bamboo, with its many appealing qualities, can be a beautiful addition to any garden if managed responsibly. However, the parallels between bamboo and Japanese Knotweed are becoming increasingly apparent. At KhanMather, we encourage property owners to be aware of the potential risks and to take proactive steps to prevent bamboo from becoming the new Japanese Knotweed. If you find yourself facing issues related to invasive bamboo, our team is here to provide expert legal advice and support.

For more information or to seek legal assistance, please contact Hannah Cohen on 0161 850 9911. Together, we can ensure your garden remains a place of beauty, not a battleground.

Safeguarding Legal Heritage: The Crucial Lesson from Dunlop v Romanoff

The case of Dunlop v Romanoff stands as a testament to the vital importance of safeguarding old deeds and legal documents. Rooted in the realm of property law, this case serves as a poignant reminder of the repercussions that can arise when historical legal records are not preserved adequately.

The Case Overview:

In 1930, Dunlop claimed ownership of a property based on an old deed dating back to 1844. The deed was purportedly in his possession and was considered critical evidence in his favor. However, the authenticity and validity of the deed came under scrutiny during the legal proceedings.

Romanoff, the opposing party, argued that the deed Dunlop presented was a forgery and thus contested its legitimacy. The case hinged on the credibility and preservation of this historical legal document.

Importance of Safeguarding Old Deeds:

The outcome of Dunlop v Romanoff underscores the significance of preserving old deeds and legal records for several reasons:

  1. Legal Evidence: Old deeds often serve as crucial legal evidence in property disputes and other legal matters. They establish historical ownership, property boundaries, and other vital details that are pivotal in resolving disputes.


  1. Historical Context: These documents offer valuable insights into historical land ownership, societal structures, and legal practices of bygone eras. They contribute to our understanding of the evolution of property rights and legal systems.


  1. Preserving Property Rights: The preservation of old deeds is instrumental in safeguarding property rights. They serve as a link to the past and help maintain the continuity and integrity of property ownership over generations.


  1. Preventing Fraud: Properly preserved deeds help prevent fraudulent claims and forgeries. The authentication of historical documents can prevent wrongful claims of ownership and uphold the rule of law.

Lessons Learned:

Dunlop v Romanoff underscores the need for proper care and preservation of old deeds and legal documents. Institutions, individuals, and governing bodies must take proactive measures to ensure the longevity and accessibility of these historical records.

  1. Digitization and Archives: Embracing technology by digitizing old deeds can ensure their preservation for future generations. Establishing well-maintained archives or repositories also secures access to these documents.


  1. Legal Safeguards: Implementing legal measures to authenticate and protect historical documents is crucial. This includes stringent verification processes and legal frameworks that deter tampering or forgery.


  1. Awareness and Education: Educating the public about the importance of preserving historical legal documents fosters a sense of responsibility. Increased awareness encourages proactive measures in safeguarding these records.


Dunlop v Romanoff serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the significance of safeguarding old deeds and legal heritage. Beyond their immediate legal implications, these documents hold invaluable historical and societal significance. Preserving them isn’t just about upholding property rights; it’s about preserving our collective legal and historical legacy for generations to come.

TikTok Under Scrutiny: Breaching Data Protection Laws



In the age of digital connectivity, social media platforms have become an integral part of our lives. TikTok, with its short-form videos and viral trends, has quickly risen to prominence, especially among the younger generation. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and TikTok has faced significant scrutiny over its handling of user data. In this blog, we will delve into the allegations and concerns surrounding TikTok’s compliance with data protection laws.


The Rise of TikTok


TikTok, owned by Chinese tech company ByteDance, burst onto the scene in 2016 and has since amassed over a billion users worldwide. Its appeal lies in its addictive and highly engaging format, allowing users to create, share, and discover short video clips set to music. However, TikTok’s rapid growth has also raised questions about its privacy practices and data handling procedures.


Allegations of Data Breaches


TikTok has faced numerous allegations of breaching data protection laws in various countries, particularly in the United States and the European Union. Some of the key concerns include:


  1. Data Collection: TikTok collects a vast amount of user data, including location data, device information, browsing history, and even facial recognition data. Critics argue that this extensive data collection goes beyond what is necessary for the platform’s functionality and raises questions about user consent and transparency.


  1. Children’s Privacy: TikTok has faced significant backlash for its handling of children’s data. In 2019, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States fined TikTok $5.7 million for violating the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) by collecting personal information from children under 13 without parental consent.


  1. Data Sharing: Concerns have also arisen regarding TikTok’s sharing of user data with third parties, including advertisers. Some claim that user data may be shared with Chinese authorities, raising national security and privacy concerns, particularly in countries like the United States.


Legal Actions and Investigations


TikTok’s data protection practices have not gone unnoticed by regulatory authorities. Several countries have launched investigations and legal actions against the platform:


  1. United States: The U.S. government initiated a national security review of TikTok in 2019, which led to concerns about the potential for data to be accessed by the Chinese government. The Trump administration sought to ban TikTok, although these efforts were met with legal challenges.


  1. European Union: TikTok is under investigation by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) for potential violations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This investigation aims to determine whether TikTok complies with the EU’s stringent data protection laws.


TikTok’s Response


TikTok has responded to these allegations by emphasizing its commitment to user privacy and security. The platform has made efforts to enhance transparency, including publishing its data privacy practices and allowing users to see how their data is used. TikTok has also pledged to store user data outside of China to address concerns about government access.




The rise of TikTok has brought joy and entertainment to millions of users worldwide, but it has also raised serious questions about data protection and privacy. Allegations of data breaches, particularly with regard to children’s privacy and data sharing with third parties, have led to investigations and legal actions in various countries.


As TikTok continues to navigate these challenges, it faces the crucial task of striking a balance between providing an engaging platform for users and ensuring robust data protection practices. Ultimately, the outcome of ongoing investigations and legal actions will shape the future of TikTok’s data protection policies and its place in the global digital landscape. Users must remain vigilant about their privacy and demand transparency from the platforms they use, ensuring that their personal data is handled responsibly and in compliance with the law.


If you have any concerns about your personal or company’s data protection, please give us a ring on 0161 850 9911.

Navigating the New Fixed Recoverable Costs Regime: What You Need to Know



In this blog, we’ll provide an overview of the new FRC regime, how it may affect your legal matters, and how our law firm is prepared to help you navigate these changes.


What is the Fixed Recoverable Costs Regime?


The Fixed Recoverable Costs regime, also known as FRC, is a system that regulates the costs recoverable by the winning party in certain civil litigation cases. Its primary purpose is to promote transparency, predictability, and cost-effectiveness in the legal process, making litigation more accessible to all parties involved.


Key Changes Under the New FRC Regime


  1. Expanded Scope: One of the most notable changes is the expansion of the FRC regime to include a broader range of civil cases. While it was previously applicable to limited types of cases, it now covers a wider spectrum, including fast-track personal injury claims, clinical negligence claims, and more. This expansion may impact a broader range of clients, including businesses and individuals.


  1. Caps on Costs: The FRC regime sets out specific caps on the costs recoverable by the winning party, depending on the type and complexity of the case. These caps are intended to create predictability in litigation costs. However, it’s essential to carefully assess the potential recovery before pursuing a claim to ensure it aligns with your objectives.


  1. Cost Budgeting: Cost budgeting becomes even more critical under the new regime. Properly managing your legal costs and ensuring they align with your litigation strategy will be essential. Our firm has the expertise to help you create accurate and realistic cost budgets that comply with the FRC rules.


  1. Efficiency in Case Management: The FRC regime emphasizes the importance of efficient case management. Timely case preparation and streamlined processes will be key to controlling costs and maximizing recoverable expenses.


How We Can Help


Navigating the new Fixed Recoverable Costs regime may seem daunting, but our law firm is well-prepared to assist you. Here’s how we can help:


  1. Expertise and Guidance: Our experienced legal team is well-versed in the FRC regime and its implications. We can provide you with comprehensive advice on how the changes might affect your specific cases and strategies.


  1. Cost-Effective Strategies: We will work with you to develop cost-effective litigation strategies that align with the FRC regime, ensuring you make informed decisions about pursuing or defending claims.


  1. Accurate Budgeting: Our firm will assist you in creating precise cost budgets and ensuring compliance with the FRC rules, helping you manage your legal expenses effectively.


  1. Efficient Case Management: We prioritize efficient case management to ensure your matters proceed smoothly and within the FRC framework, maximizing your chances of cost recovery.




The new Fixed Recoverable Costs regime, effective from October 1, 2023, introduces significant changes to the legal landscape. Staying informed and adapting your litigation strategies accordingly is crucial. At [Your Law Firm], we are committed to helping you navigate these changes, mitigate risks, and achieve favourable outcomes within the FRC framework.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding how the new FRC regime may impact your legal matters, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us ON 0161 850 9911. We are here to provide the guidance and expertise you need to make informed decisions in this evolving legal landscape.