Understanding Disbursements: A Crucial Element in Legal Costs

As a leading UK law firm committed to transparency and clarity in our client relationships, we often find that legal terminology can seem like a maze. One such term that frequently arises in discussions about legal fees is “disbursements.” Let’s delve into this concept to shed light on what they are and why they matter in legal proceedings.

Defining Disbursements:

In legal parlance, disbursements refer to the expenses incurred by a law firm during the course of handling a case on behalf of a client. These costs are separate from the fees charged for the legal services provided. Disbursements can encompass a wide range of expenses, including but not limited to court fees, expert witness fees, travel expenses, postage, filing fees, and the costs of obtaining documents or reports necessary for the case.

Why Disbursements Matter:

Understanding disbursements is crucial for anyone seeking legal representation, as these expenses can significantly impact the overall cost of legal proceedings. While legal fees cover the professional services rendered by solicitors or lawyers, disbursements are the out-of-pocket expenses that the law firm pays on behalf of the client. These costs are then passed on to the client as part of the total expenses incurred during the case.

Types of Disbursements:

Disbursements can vary widely based on the nature of the legal matter. For instance, in litigation, they may include court fees, fees for obtaining expert opinions, or costs related to obtaining evidence or documents crucial to the case. In conveyancing matters, disbursements may involve land registry fees, search fees, or fees for obtaining property-related documents.

Transparency and Communication:

At our firm, transparency is at the core of our ethos. We believe in keeping our clients fully informed about the potential disbursements they might incur throughout their legal journey. Before commencing any work, we provide our clients with a clear breakdown of anticipated disbursements, ensuring they have a comprehensive understanding of the potential costs involved beyond our service fees.

Managing Disbursements:

Effectively managing disbursements is an integral part of our practice. We strive to optimize these costs by leveraging our network of resources and ensuring that expenses are reasonable and necessary for the successful handling of our clients’ cases. Additionally, we regularly update our clients on any changes in disbursement estimates to maintain transparency and avoid unexpected financial surprises.


In the intricate landscape of legal proceedings, disbursements play a pivotal role in determining the overall cost of legal representation. Understanding these costs is essential for clients seeking legal services, as it allows for better financial planning and prevents any unforeseen expenses.

As a law firm, our commitment to transparency means that we prioritize clear communication regarding disbursements, ensuring that our clients have a comprehensive understanding of the expenses associated with their case. By managing disbursements efficiently, we aim to provide cost-effective legal solutions without compromising on the quality of service.

Navigating the legal terrain can be daunting, but with a clear understanding of disbursements and a reliable legal partner, clients can approach their legal matters with confidence, knowing they have a firm grasp on both the legal fees and associated expenses.

Should you have any further questions regarding disbursements or any other legal matters, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive guidance and support every step of the way.

Protecting Your Assets: A Guide to Authorised Push Payment Fraud

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, it’s crucial to stay informed and vigilant to protect your assets and investments. One concerning trend we’ve observed is the rise of Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud. This sophisticated form of financial fraud has the potential to cause significant harm to individuals and businesses alike. As your trusted legal partner, we feel it is our responsibility to provide you with valuable insights and guidance to help you safeguard your financial interests.


Understanding Authorised Push Payment Fraud


Authorised Push Payment fraud, often referred to as APP fraud, is a type of financial scam where the victim is tricked into making a payment to a fraudster. Unlike traditional bank fraud, where unauthorized transactions are the issue, in APP fraud, the victim willingly initiates a transfer, believing they are sending money to a legitimate recipient. These frauds can take many forms, including invoice fraud, romance scams, and impersonation scams.


The Consequences of APP Fraud


The consequences of falling victim to APP fraud can be devastating. Victims not only lose their hard-earned money but also often suffer from emotional distress and reputational damage. While banks and financial institutions have made significant strides in providing compensation to victims, the process can be lengthy and frustrating. That’s where proactive prevention comes into play.


Preventing APP Fraud


Here are some key steps you can take to protect yourself and your assets from falling prey to APP fraud:


  1. Verify Recipient Details: Always double-check the recipient’s details, such as account numbers and sort codes, before making a payment. Scammers may use slight variations in these details to divert funds.


  1. Be Wary of Unsolicited Contact: Be cautious when receiving unexpected calls, emails, or messages from unknown sources, especially if they request payments or personal information.


  1. Secure Your Personal Information: Protect your personal and financial information diligently. Never share sensitive details like PINs, passwords, or security codes with anyone.


  1. Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest fraud trends and scams. Awareness is your first line of defence.


  1. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Whenever possible, enable MFA for your online banking and financial accounts. This adds an extra layer of security to protect your funds.


  1. Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect you’ve encountered a fraudulent situation, report it to your bank and law enforcement immediately.


Legal Protections


It’s essential to understand your rights and the legal framework in place to help victims of APP fraud. The UK’s Contingent Reimbursement Model (CRM) Code sets out the rules and standards that banks must adhere to when determining whether to reimburse victims of APP fraud. This code offers some degree of protection, and your law firm is here to assist you in navigating the complexities of the legal system should you become a victim of APP fraud.


In Conclusion


In the digital age, the threat of Authorised Push Payment fraud is a reality we all must face. However, with the right knowledge and safeguards in place, you can reduce your vulnerability to this type of fraud. Your law firm is here to support and guide you through any legal matters that may arise from such incidents. Remember that vigilance and awareness are your most potent allies in the fight against APP fraud.


If you have any questions or concerns about APP fraud or any other legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact Helen Penney on 0161 850 9911. Your financial security is our priority, and we are here to help you protect your interests.


Stay safe, stay vigilant, and stay informed!

Expanding Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC): A Game-Changer for Civil Claims


In recent years, the legal landscape in the United Kingdom has witnessed significant transformations, and one of the most noteworthy changes has been the extension of Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC) across a wider range of civil claims. This development, which has been met with both enthusiasm and scepticism, has the potential to reshape the way legal services are delivered and accessed in the UK.

At Khan Mather, we believe it is crucial to explore this groundbreaking shift and its implications for both legal practitioners and clients. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of the extension of FRC, its impact on the legal profession, and what it means for those seeking justice.


Fixed Recoverable Costs: A Brief Overview

Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC) were initially introduced in the UK as a means to streamline the civil litigation process and promote efficiency. This system aims to provide greater cost certainty to parties involved in legal proceedings, avoiding lengthy and costly disputes over legal fees. FRC primarily applied to lower-value personal injury claims, but its scope has now expanded to encompass a broader range of civil claims, marking a significant shift in the legal landscape.


The Extension of FRC: What Does it Encompass?

The expansion of FRC encompasses a variety of civil claims, including, but not limited to, clinical negligence, housing disrepair, and property disputes. This extension allows a wider range of individuals and organizations to benefit from the predictability and transparency offered by fixed costs.


Key Benefits of the Extended FRC System

  • **Cost Certainty**: Clients and legal practitioners alike can now predict legal costs with more accuracy. This brings peace of mind to clients, who can better plan for their legal expenses.
  • Speedier Resolution: The FRC system encourages parties to resolve disputes efficiently, as they are aware of the capped costs involved. This promotes quicker resolution and reduces the backlog in the courts.
  • Access to Justice: With a wider array of claims now falling under FRC, the legal system becomes more accessible to a broader cross-section of society. This expansion helps level the playing field for individuals and smaller businesses.
  • Reduced Costs for Litigants: Lower legal costs are particularly beneficial for individuals with limited financial resources, as it makes it more affordable to pursue a claim.


Impact on Legal Practitioners

The extension of FRC has implications for legal practitioners as well. While some may see this as a potential reduction in fees, it also provides opportunities for innovation and specialization. Law firms may explore more efficient and streamlined processes to deliver quality legal services within the framework of fixed costs.


Challenges and Concerns

As with any significant legal reform, there are challenges and concerns associated with the extension of FRC. Some critics argue that these fixed costs may lead to a decline in the quality of legal representation, as firms may be tempted to cut corners to keep costs within the stipulated limits. Balancing cost control with high-quality legal services remains a key challenge.



The extension of Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC) across a wider range of civil claims in the UK is a transformative development that offers both opportunities and challenges for the legal profession and its clients. At Khan Mather, we recognize the importance of staying informed about these changes to better serve our clients.

As this new system continues to evolve and establish its place in the UK legal landscape, our commitment to providing expert legal services while adhering to FRC is unwavering. We believe that the extension of FRC represents a positive step towards a more accessible, efficient, and predictable legal system, and we are excited to embrace this change as we continue to advocate for our clients’ best interests.

If you have questions about how FRC may impact your legal case or need expert guidance on a civil claim, our team is here to assist you through this evolving legal landscape. Please give any of us a ring on 0161 850 9911.

Debt Recovery

Debt recovery is a process that involves collecting overdue payments from customers or clients who have failed to pay their bills on time.

While businesses can pursue debt recovery themselves, it can be beneficial to seek the assistance of a solicitor who specialises in debt recovery. A solicitor’s role in debt recovery can be critical in ensuring that businesses recover their debts while complying with the law and treating debtors fairly.

Here are some ways in which a solicitor can assist with debt recovery:

Legal expertise

A solicitor can provide legal expertise in debt recovery, including knowledge of debt collection law and the legal process for debt recovery. This can be especially helpful if legal action is required to recover the debt. A solicitor can assess the feasibility of legal action and provide guidance on the best course of action to take.

Communication with debtors

A solicitor can handle communication with debtors on behalf of the business. This can be beneficial in cases where the business owner or employees may not have the necessary communication skills or may be too emotionally involved in the situation. A solicitor can communicate professionally and respectfully with the debtor and provide clear information on the debt and any payment options.

Negotiating payment arrangements

A solicitor can negotiate payment arrangements with the debtor on behalf of the business. This can involve offering payment plans or negotiating a settlement amount that is acceptable to both parties. A solicitor can also ensure that any payment arrangements comply with debt collection laws and protect the interests of the business.

Legal action

If debt collection efforts fail, a solicitor can initiate legal action to recover the debt. This can involve filing a lawsuit against the debtor, which can be a complex and time-consuming process. A solicitor can guide the business through the legal process and represent the business in court if necessary.


In conclusion, a solicitor can play a critical role in debt recovery by providing legal expertise, handling communication with debtors, negotiating payment arrangements, and initiating legal action if necessary. While a solicitor’s services may come at a cost, they can be invaluable in ensuring that businesses recover their debts while complying with the law and treating debtors fairly.

Call one of our Debt Recovery Specialists on 0161 850 9911 now.