
In the dynamic landscape of business energy contracts, companies often find themselves grappling with unforeseen challenges, one of which is the presence of hidden commissions. These covert charges, lurking beneath the surface of seemingly transparent agreements, have become a significant concern for businesses seeking fair and cost-effective energy solutions. In this blog post, we shed light on the issue of hidden commission claims in business energy contracts within the UK, exploring the potential avenues for redress and the legal concepts of dilution and rescission.

Understanding Hidden Commissions

Hidden commissions are concealed charges that energy brokers or suppliers may include in business energy contracts, often without the knowledge or consent of the client. These undisclosed fees can significantly inflate the overall cost of energy services, impacting a company’s bottom line. Unscrupulous practices related to hidden commissions have prompted increased scrutiny, leading to a growing number of businesses exploring their options for reclaiming overpaid amounts.

Hidden Commission Claims

Businesses that suspect they may have fallen victim to hidden commissions have the right to pursue a claim against their energy supplier or broker. The first step in this process is often conducting a thorough review of the energy contracts in question. We can assist in identifying any hidden commissions and assessing their impact on the client’s financial obligations.

Dilution and Rescission:

Two legal concepts that may come into play when addressing hidden commission claims are dilution and rescission.

  1. Dilution: Dilution occurs when hidden commissions dilute the benefits intended for the client in the energy contract. In such cases, the client may not fully realize the expected cost savings or favourable terms initially negotiated. Legal remedies for dilution may involve seeking compensation for the diminished value of the contract or negotiating revised terms to restore the intended benefits.


  1. Rescission: Rescission is a more drastic measure, involving the cancellation of the contract altogether. If hidden commissions substantially impact the fairness and validity of the agreement, a business may pursue rescission to void the contract and seek restitution for any payments made. Rescission aims to place the parties in the position they would have been in had the contract never existed.




Businesses in the UK navigating the complex terrain of energy contracts must be vigilant against the presence of hidden commissions. Pursuing claims for redress, whether through dilution or rescission, is a legal avenue available to those seeking to rectify the financial harm caused by undisclosed charges. Consulting with one of our legal professionals specializing in energy law is crucial to understanding the intricacies of hidden commission claims and exploring the most effective paths to resolution. By unveiling the veil on hidden commissions, businesses can protect their interests and foster a fair and transparent energy marketplace.