Free Will Service

We are also working in partnership with Cancer Research UK to provide free wills for over 18’s. The charity will pay for a simple will to be written by us.


To use this scheme you need to be 18 or over. If you are writing a mirror will with your partner, only one of you needs to be 18 or over.

Why does Cancer Research UK pay for Wills?

Cancer Research UK recognises that many people wish to support research to beat cancer by leaving gifts in their Will. The charity wishes to make that process as simple and easy as possible.

Leaving a gift to Cancer Research UK

If you make a Will free of charge through KhanMather you do not have to leave a gift to Cancer Research UK. However, many people who use the service choose to leave something to support research into cancer. KhanMather Solicitors ensure every gift benefits specific research into specific types of cancer or specific laboratories where that is the supporter’s wish.

One in two of us may be diagnosed with cancer at some point in our lives. Fortunately, survival rates for cancer have doubled in the last forty years – two in four people now survive a cancer diagnosis. However, there’s still more work to be done – with your help Cancer Research UK is determined to see three in four people survive cancer by 2034.

Your legacy gift will support research into preventative measures, earlier diagnoses and better treatments. Gifts in Wills fund over a third of Cancer Research UK’s pioneering research so it is a vital source of income for the charity.

What your gift can do

You can choose how and where your gift is spent. For example, you may want your gift:

  • To be spent on researching a specific type of cancer
  • To be spent on research in your local area

You can leave as little or as much as you like. Below are some examples of what different amounts could fund:

  • £550 buys one next generation DNA sequencing experiment, to read part of the genetic blueprint of a cell’s DNA. This research tool is at the forefront of revolutionary science and life-saving discoveries.
  • £850 can cover the cost of a trial for a month aiming to find out if radiotherapy will pack more of a punch to cancer cells and stop the disease coming back after surgery, improving treatments for patient with lung cancer.
  • £8,500 covers the cost of a leukaemia trial for one month, aiming to find the best treatment for children with a rare type of leukaemia, whose cancer has come back after treatment.
  • £300,000 lets scientist see deeper into samples using a high-tech infer-red laser, which will increase the rate of breakthroughs made.

“Having an up-to-date Will brings peace of mind and ensures that loved ones are taken care of. It is also a fabulous opportunity to support Cancer Research UK’s work to improve cancer survival rates by leaving a gift in one’s Will.” Jon Collins, Gifts in Wills Manager, Cancer Research UK.

Whilst there is no obligation to donate to Cancer Research UK in order to receive a free Will please remember that every gift, however small, could contribute to the next vital breakthrough in the fight against cancer.

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