Embracing Change: The British Standards Institution’s Initiative on Menopause and Menstruation


In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need to address issues related to menopause and menstruation in the workplace. While these topics have historically been considered taboo or overlooked, organizations are now realizing the importance of creating inclusive and supportive environments for all employees. The British Standards Institution (BSI) has taken a significant step forward by launching an initiative to provide guidance and best practices on managing menopause and menstruation in the workplace. In this blog post, we will explore the BSI’s initiative and the positive impact it can have on individuals and organizations.

Understanding Menopause and Menstruation: Menopause and menstruation are natural biological processes that affect many individuals. Menopause typically occurs in women between the ages of 45 and 55, marking the end of their reproductive years. Menstruation, on the other hand, is a monthly cycle experienced by women during their reproductive years. Both menopause and menstruation can have various physical, emotional, and psychological effects on individuals, which can impact their well-being and work performance.

The BSI Initiative: The BSI is an internationally recognized organization that develops and publishes standards across various industries. In response to the growing awareness of menopause and menstruation-related challenges, the BSI launched an initiative to address these issues in the workplace. The initiative aims to provide organizations with practical guidance and recommendations to support employees going through menopause or experiencing menstruation-related difficulties.

Key Focus Areas

The BSI initiative focuses on several key areas to help organizations create inclusive and supportive environments:

  • Education and Awareness: The initiative emphasizes the importance of educating employees, managers, and HR professionals about menopause and menstruation. By raising awareness and dispelling myths surrounding these topics, organizations can foster a more understanding and empathetic workplace culture.


  • Policy and Guidance: The BSI encourages organizations to develop policies and guidelines that address menopause and menstruation in the workplace. These policies can include provisions for flexible working arrangements, access to appropriate facilities, and support mechanisms such as counselling or employee assistance programs.


  • Training and Support: The BSI highlights the significance of providing training to managers and colleagues to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to support individuals going through menopause or experiencing menstruation-related challenges. Training sessions can cover topics such as symptom management, communication strategies, and creating a supportive work environment.


  • Facilities and Amenities: The BSI recommends that organizations review and improve their facilities to cater to the specific needs of employees experiencing menopause or menstruation. This may include providing discreet and hygienic disposal options for sanitary products, access to private restrooms or quiet areas, and temperature control measures to alleviate menopausal symptoms.


Benefits and Impact: Implementing the BSI’s guidance on menopause and menstruation can bring several benefits to both individuals and organizations:


  • Improved Well-being: By creating an inclusive and supportive environment, individuals going through menopause or experiencing menstruation-related challenges can feel more comfortable and valued at work. This, in turn, can positively impact their overall well-being and job satisfaction.


  • Increased Productivity: When individuals feel supported and understood, they are more likely to perform at their best. By addressing menopause and menstruation-related issues, organizations can help reduce absenteeism, presenteeism, and workplace stress, ultimately leading to increased productivity.


  • Enhanced Diversity and Inclusion: Taking proactive steps to support employees during menopause and menstruation contributes to a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture. It demonstrates that an organization values the experiences and needs of all its employees, regardless of gender or age.



The British Standards Institution’s initiative on menopause and menstruation marks a significant milestone in recognizing the importance of addressing these topics in the workplace. By providing guidance and best practices, the BSI is helping organizations create inclusive and supportive environments that benefit employees and the overall success of the organization. Embracing the changes associated with menopause and menstruation is not only the right thing to do; it is a step toward fostering a more understanding, empathetic, and productive working environment for all.

We know that menopause in particular is a very important subject at the moment and therefore we decided to write a blog on the subject. If you have been discriminated against in the workplace with regards to menopause, or anything else, please get in touch to speak to one of our qualified employer’s liability solicitors on 0161 850 9911.

Our Managing Director: Saqib Khan

Saqib started KhanMather in 2011. It has been running for over 12 years now and is a very successful firm of solicitors with over 20 members of staff covering many areas of law.

When Saqib commenced his legal career, he realised that he wanted to have his own firm, as he felt that he could provide high quality legal services to clients in a very client centric way. Saqib believes that the client is extremely important and must be looked after whilst having their expectations managed. He is very results driven, and in order to obtain results, it is his belief that hard work needs to be applied. He is in the office virtually every day and when he isn’t, he is either seeing clients or at court.

On a day-to-day basis, he looks after the management of the firm together with the other directors. They have regular meetings to discuss any issues that they are encountering and how these can be resolved so that the firm can run smoothly. In addition to these duties, he has a handful of clients that he provides legal assistance to and he provides an element of supervision to all of the staff, especially the trainee solicitors, as he is their Principal.

Saqib’s proudest achievement in his legal career is being appointed as a Deputy District Judge in 2022. He wanted to develop his career and assist with the administration of justice.

Saqib believes that over the years, he has gained a considerable amount of knowledge, but he finds it difficult delegating certain tasks which is something that he feels that he should work on. He loves being part of a well-oiled machine that produces consistently good results, which is a testament to his colleagues’ abilities and hard work. In the future, Saqib would like the firm to grow into offering many other areas of law, so that the firm’s clients have a one-stop shop for their legal needs.

It is worthy of note that Saqib’s first job was working at his local McDonald’s restaurant which taught him a lot about hard work and achieving results. In his spare time, Saqib has recently taken up clay pigeon shooting and has joined a local club.


He enjoys listening to Latin American House Music, and he has attended many gigs over the past three decades to see his favourite performers live.

Saqib’s primary core belief is that if you want something, you need to put a substantial amount of consistent effort into the task at hand. At the start of his career, he invested a lot of time on a daily basis into reading into his subject area in order to gain knowledge and then applying the same in his work and taking advice from those more experienced than himself.