Can You Be Legally Charged for a Missed Appointment?


In our increasingly busy lives, missed appointments have become more common than we’d like. But what happens when a missed appointment leads to legal consequences? Can you be legally charged for failing to keep an appointment in the United Kingdom? This blog post will explore the legal aspects surrounding missed appointments and the potential repercussions.

Understanding the Basics

To answer the question of whether you can be legally charged for a missed appointment in the UK, we must first distinguish between different types of appointments and the nature of the agreement.

  • Medical Appointments: In the case of medical appointments, there is generally no legal consequence for missing an appointment with your doctor or healthcare provider. However, it is courteous to inform them in advance if you cannot make it


  • Legal Appointments: When it comes to appointments with legal professionals, such as lawyers or solicitors, it’s crucial to check the terms and conditions of your engagement. These agreements may specify the consequences of missing appointments.


  • Business Appointments: In the business world, appointments often involve contractual obligations. Failure to meet these appointments could result in a breach of contract and potential legal consequences.


Breach of Contract

In the UK, if you have a contractual agreement that includes an appointment or meeting as a term, missing that appointment may be considered a breach of contract. The severity of the breach and the consequences depend on the specific circumstances and the terms outlined in the contract. Common contracts that may include appointments are:

  • Service Contracts: These may involve appointments with professionals like solicitors, consultants, or contractors. If you miss an appointment specified in the contract, you may be in breach.


  • Rental Agreements: Leases or tenancy agreements often include terms for property inspections or maintenance appointments. Failure to attend these may be deemed a breach of your tenancy agreement.


  • Employment Contracts: Missing work-related appointments or meetings, such as disciplinary hearings or training sessions, could lead to disciplinary actions.


Consequences for a Breach of Contract

The consequences for breaching a contract due to a missed appointment can vary. They may include:


  • Financial Penalties: Some contracts specify a financial penalty for missed appointments. This penalty is typically a predetermined amount.


  • Legal Action: In more severe cases, the party that suffered due to your breach of contract may take legal action to recover damages or uphold the terms of the contract.


  • Termination: Certain contracts, like employment agreements, may result in termination if appointments are consistently missed, depending on the severity of the breach.


Preventing Legal Issues

To avoid potential legal problems arising from missed appointments, consider the following:

  1. Read and Understand Contracts: Always carefully review any contract or agreement to understand the terms and obligations, including those related to appointments.


  1. Communicate in Advance: If you anticipate missing an appointment, communicate your situation as soon as possible to reschedule or make alternative arrangements.


  1. Seek Legal Advice: If you’re uncertain about your rights and obligations in a specific contract, consult with a legal professional to gain a clear understanding of your legal position.



In the United Kingdom, the legal consequences of missing an appointment depend on the nature of the appointment, the terms of the contract, and the specific circumstances. While missing a medical appointment may not result in legal charges, missed appointments with legal or business implications can lead to contractual breaches and potential legal consequences. It is essential to be aware of your contractual obligations and to communicate promptly if you are unable to attend a scheduled appointment. To avoid potential legal issues, always seek legal advice when in doubt about your rights and responsibilities.

Please call us if you have a concern regarding a possible breach of contract on 0161 850 9911.

Your Rights When a Privately Purchased Item Doesn’t Arrive


In today’s digital age, the ease of buying and selling items privately, whether through online marketplaces or classified ads, has become a common practice. However, there are situations where you may have paid for an item privately and, to your disappointment, never received it. If you find yourself in this predicament, it’s important to know your rights and potential remedies under UK law. In this blog, we’ll explore the legal options available to you when a privately purchased item doesn’t arrive as expected.

  1. The Importance of a Written Agreement

In many private sales, especially when buying from individuals rather than businesses, there may not be a formal contract in place. However, it’s crucial to maintain a written record of the transaction. This can include emails, text messages, or other forms of communication that confirm the details of the agreement, including the price, item description, and any agreed-upon delivery arrangements.

  1. Sale of Goods Act 1979 (Consumer Rights Act 2015)

Under UK law, when you purchase an item privately, the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (now incorporated into the Consumer Rights Act 2015) provides protection for consumers. This legislation requires that the item you purchase must be:

– As described: The item should match the description provided by the seller.

– Of satisfactory quality: The item should be of reasonable quality and free from defects.

– Fit for purpose: The item should be suitable for the purpose you discussed with the seller.

If the item you’ve paid for doesn’t meet these criteria, you may have legal grounds for a refund or compensation.

  1. Resolving the Issue Amicably

Before pursuing legal action, it’s often advisable to attempt an amicable resolution with the seller. Communicate the issue, express your concerns, and request a resolution, such as a refund or the delivery of the item. A polite and professional approach can sometimes lead to a mutually beneficial solution.

  1. The Small Claims Court

If you’ve exhausted all avenues for an amicable resolution and the seller remains uncooperative, you may consider taking your case to the Small Claims Court. This is a cost-effective way to pursue your rights without the need for a solicitor, making it accessible to individuals.

To do this:

– Ensure that the item’s value does not exceed the maximum limit for small claims court (usually £10,000).

– File a claim through the government’s Money Claim Online service.

– Present your evidence, including any written agreements and communication with the seller.

If the court rules in your favour, you may be entitled to a refund or compensation.

  1. Online Marketplaces and Payment Services

If you made the purchase through an online marketplace or used a payment service like PayPal, be aware that they often have buyer protection programs. These services may offer avenues to resolve disputes and recover your funds.

  1. Learning from the Experience

While it can be frustrating and disheartening when a privately purchased item doesn’t arrive as expected, you can take steps to protect yourself in future transactions:

– Always maintain a written record of the transaction.

– Use secure payment methods.

– Read and understand the terms and conditions of the platform through which you’re making the purchase.

– Be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true, and do your research on the seller.


When buying items privately in the UK, it’s essential to be aware of your rights and the legal recourse available if the item you’ve paid for doesn’t arrive as promised. By understanding the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (Consumer Rights Act 2015), attempting amicable resolutions, and knowing the options for legal recourse, you can protect your interests and ensure a fair outcome in your transaction disputes. As always, consult with one of our experienced solicitors for advice specific to your situation on 0161 850 9911. We are also able to undertake your claim in the small claims court on your behalf to save you all of the trouble and uncertainty.

Evolving Healthcare Excellence: Proposed Changes for Never Events


In the realm of healthcare, patient safety and quality of care remain paramount. To achieve this, medical professionals continuously strive to minimize avoidable errors and adverse events. One crucial concept in this pursuit is the notion of “never events.” These are rare, serious, and largely preventable incidents that should never occur in a healthcare setting. Recognizing the need for ongoing improvement, proposed changes for never events stand to redefine the standards of patient safety and overall healthcare excellence.

The Current Landscape: Understanding Never Events

Never events, as originally defined by the National Quality Forum (NQF), are shocking occurrences that simply should not happen. These events include surgical procedures on the wrong patient or body part, patient falls resulting in serious injuries, and the administration of the wrong medication or dosage. The designation of never events serves as a stark reminder of the dire consequences that can result from human errors or system failures.

While these events are rare, even a single instance can have a profound impact on a patient’s life and the reputation of a healthcare institution. Currently, the reporting and analysis of never events play a pivotal role in identifying areas for improvement. However, the landscape is evolving to encompass more comprehensive approaches to prevention and response.

Proposed Changes for Never Events: A Holistic Approach

  1. Expanding the Scope: The scope of never events is widening to include broader categories such as diagnostic errors, communication breakdowns, and instances of patient harm related to electronic health records (EHRs). This recognition reflects a growing understanding that patient safety is a complex web woven by various factors within healthcare systems.


  1. Embracing Technology: The integration of advanced technology, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, can assist healthcare professionals in error prevention. Smart algorithms can flag potential discrepancies in patient data, provide decision support, and minimize the risk of incorrect diagnoses or treatments.


  1. Cultivating a Culture of Safety: Healthcare organizations are prioritizing a culture of safety, fostering an environment where all team members feel empowered to speak up about potential risks and concerns. This shift towards open communication encourages collaboration and continuous improvement.


  1. Enhanced Training and Education: Never events often arise from a lack of proper training or knowledge. Ongoing education and training programs are being developed to ensure that healthcare professionals are well-equipped to handle complex situations and make informed decisions.


  1. Standardized Protocols: Standard operating procedures are being revisited and improved to minimize the potential for human error. Clear, standardized protocols help guide medical professionals through processes that carry a risk of never events.


  1. Patient Engagement: Patients are being recognized as active partners in their healthcare journey. By involving patients in decision-making, sharing medical information transparently, and encouraging questions, the likelihood of misunderstandings and errors decreases.


Benefits and Challenges of Proposed Changes

The proposed changes in the context of never events offer numerous benefits, including enhanced patient safety, improved quality of care, and greater confidence in healthcare systems. These changes collectively contribute to the larger goal of reducing the burden of preventable medical errors.

However, implementing these changes also presents challenges. Incorporating new technologies and training protocols requires financial investments and adjustment periods. Moreover, shifting towards a culture of safety demands a transformation in organizational mindset and practices. Addressing these challenges requires collaboration among healthcare professionals, administrators, policymakers, and patients.

The Road Ahead: A Safer Tomorrow

The evolution of healthcare excellence through proposed changes for never events marks a promising journey toward a safer, more patient-centred healthcare landscape. By embracing technology, nurturing a culture of safety, and empowering patients, healthcare systems can proactively prevent never events and their associated harm. As these changes are embraced and integrated, the vision of a healthcare system characterized by reliability, accountability, and optimal patient outcomes draws closer.

Unlocking Productivity: The Power of Working from Home


In recent years, the traditional 9-to-5 office routine has undergone a remarkable transformation. The rise of remote work, accelerated by global events, has given rise to a new era of flexibility and freedom. While sceptics argue that working from home is synonymous with distractions and reduced productivity, there is a growing body of evidence and personal experiences that counter this notion. In this blog post, we will explore why working from home can still be highly productive, enabling individuals to thrive in their professional lives while enjoying the comforts of their own space.

  1. Eliminating Commute Stress:

One of the primary advantages of working from home is the elimination of the daily commute. No longer will you find yourself stuck in traffic or crowded public transportation. By reclaiming this time, employees can start their day with a sense of calm and readiness, translating into a focused and productive mindset from the get-go.

  1. Customizable Work Environment:

Working from home allows individuals to create a personalized work environment tailored to their needs. From selecting an ergonomic chair to optimizing lighting and temperature, the ability to curate a comfortable workspace can enhance productivity. Additionally, people can decorate their workspace to reflect their personality, fostering a sense of ownership and motivation.

  1. Reduced Distractions and Interruptions:

While some argue that working from home invites distractions, the opposite can be true with proper planning and discipline. Remote workers can proactively structure their day, creating a dedicated workspace that minimizes interruptions. By utilizing noise-cancelling headphones, setting boundaries with family members or room mates, and leveraging productivity tools, individuals can create an environment conducive to deep work and sustained concentration.

  1. Enhanced Focus and Time Management:

Working from home often enables employees to concentrate on tasks without the constant interruptions common in office settings. Freed from the lure of water cooler conversations or impromptu meetings, workers can allocate focused time to complete assignments efficiently. Additionally, with the flexibility to manage their own schedules, employees can adapt their work hours to align with their natural peak productivity periods, harnessing their energy for optimal output.

  1. Leveraging Technology:

Advancements in technology have paved the way for seamless communication and collaboration in remote work environments. With video conferencing, instant messaging platforms, and project management tools, remote teams can stay connected, exchange ideas, and maintain a high level of productivity. Moreover, the availability of virtual whiteboards, cloud-based file sharing, and project tracking software facilitates smooth coordination, enhancing teamwork even when physically apart.

  1. Work-Life Balance:

One of the most significant benefits of working from home is the potential for improved work-life balance. Without the need to commute or adhere to rigid office hours, individuals can allocate more time to their personal lives. This increased harmony between work and personal responsibilities can lead to reduced stress levels and greater overall satisfaction, positively influencing productivity when it is time to focus on work-related tasks.



Contrary to popular misconceptions, working from home can indeed foster productivity when approached with intention and a proactive mindset. The elimination of commutes, customizable work environments, reduced distractions, enhanced focus, and leveraging technology all contribute to unlocking remote work’s potential. By embracing this new way of working, individuals and organizations can enjoy the benefits of increased efficiency, improved work-life balance, and a motivated workforce. With the right tools, mindset, and support, the home office can be a haven for productivity and success.

Many of our employees work from home a few days a week and we find it has improved morale and productivity. You can always contact our employees by email if they are at home or in the office.

Embracing Change: The British Standards Institution’s Initiative on Menopause and Menstruation


In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need to address issues related to menopause and menstruation in the workplace. While these topics have historically been considered taboo or overlooked, organizations are now realizing the importance of creating inclusive and supportive environments for all employees. The British Standards Institution (BSI) has taken a significant step forward by launching an initiative to provide guidance and best practices on managing menopause and menstruation in the workplace. In this blog post, we will explore the BSI’s initiative and the positive impact it can have on individuals and organizations.

Understanding Menopause and Menstruation: Menopause and menstruation are natural biological processes that affect many individuals. Menopause typically occurs in women between the ages of 45 and 55, marking the end of their reproductive years. Menstruation, on the other hand, is a monthly cycle experienced by women during their reproductive years. Both menopause and menstruation can have various physical, emotional, and psychological effects on individuals, which can impact their well-being and work performance.

The BSI Initiative: The BSI is an internationally recognized organization that develops and publishes standards across various industries. In response to the growing awareness of menopause and menstruation-related challenges, the BSI launched an initiative to address these issues in the workplace. The initiative aims to provide organizations with practical guidance and recommendations to support employees going through menopause or experiencing menstruation-related difficulties.

Key Focus Areas

The BSI initiative focuses on several key areas to help organizations create inclusive and supportive environments:

  • Education and Awareness: The initiative emphasizes the importance of educating employees, managers, and HR professionals about menopause and menstruation. By raising awareness and dispelling myths surrounding these topics, organizations can foster a more understanding and empathetic workplace culture.


  • Policy and Guidance: The BSI encourages organizations to develop policies and guidelines that address menopause and menstruation in the workplace. These policies can include provisions for flexible working arrangements, access to appropriate facilities, and support mechanisms such as counselling or employee assistance programs.


  • Training and Support: The BSI highlights the significance of providing training to managers and colleagues to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to support individuals going through menopause or experiencing menstruation-related challenges. Training sessions can cover topics such as symptom management, communication strategies, and creating a supportive work environment.


  • Facilities and Amenities: The BSI recommends that organizations review and improve their facilities to cater to the specific needs of employees experiencing menopause or menstruation. This may include providing discreet and hygienic disposal options for sanitary products, access to private restrooms or quiet areas, and temperature control measures to alleviate menopausal symptoms.


Benefits and Impact: Implementing the BSI’s guidance on menopause and menstruation can bring several benefits to both individuals and organizations:


  • Improved Well-being: By creating an inclusive and supportive environment, individuals going through menopause or experiencing menstruation-related challenges can feel more comfortable and valued at work. This, in turn, can positively impact their overall well-being and job satisfaction.


  • Increased Productivity: When individuals feel supported and understood, they are more likely to perform at their best. By addressing menopause and menstruation-related issues, organizations can help reduce absenteeism, presenteeism, and workplace stress, ultimately leading to increased productivity.


  • Enhanced Diversity and Inclusion: Taking proactive steps to support employees during menopause and menstruation contributes to a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture. It demonstrates that an organization values the experiences and needs of all its employees, regardless of gender or age.



The British Standards Institution’s initiative on menopause and menstruation marks a significant milestone in recognizing the importance of addressing these topics in the workplace. By providing guidance and best practices, the BSI is helping organizations create inclusive and supportive environments that benefit employees and the overall success of the organization. Embracing the changes associated with menopause and menstruation is not only the right thing to do; it is a step toward fostering a more understanding, empathetic, and productive working environment for all.

We know that menopause in particular is a very important subject at the moment and therefore we decided to write a blog on the subject. If you have been discriminated against in the workplace with regards to menopause, or anything else, please get in touch to speak to one of our qualified employer’s liability solicitors on 0161 850 9911.

Navigating Guide Dog Owners’ Legal Rights


Guide dogs play an essential role in the lives of individuals with visual impairments, providing them with a newfound sense of independence and mobility. Guide dog owners are protected by a range of legal rights to ensure their equal access to public spaces, including shops and taxis. This blog post aims to shed light on the legal rights of guide dog owners when faced with refusal of entry into shops and taxis, and the steps they can take to assert their rights.

The Equality Act 2010: A Foundation of Rights

The cornerstone of guide dog owners’ rights in the UK is the Equality Act 2010. Under this legislation, it is unlawful for service providers, such as shops and taxi operators, to discriminate against individuals with disabilities, including those who rely on guide dogs. This means that guide dog owners have the right to access goods, services, and facilities just like any other customer.

Access to Shops

When it comes to entering shops and other retail establishments, guide dog owners have the right to be accompanied by their guide dogs. This includes all areas of the shop, such as aisles, counters, and changing rooms. Shop owners are not allowed to refuse entry to guide dog owners or treat them less favorably due to their disability. This extends to all types of shops, from supermarkets to small boutiques.

Access to Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles

Guide dog owners also have specific rights when it comes to using taxis and private hire vehicles. Under the Equality Act 2010, taxi and private hire vehicle drivers are legally obligated to carry guide dogs and their owners, unless they have a medical exemption certificate. It’s important to note that these drivers are not allowed to charge extra for accommodating the guide dog.

Exemptions and Reasonable Adjustments

While guide dog owners are granted significant legal protections, there are a few exemptions and scenarios where adjustments may be considered reasonable. For instance, if the presence of a guide dog poses a significant risk of allergic reactions to other customers or staff, it might be considered a valid reason for refusal. However, such cases would need to be assessed individually, and service providers must make every effort to find alternative solutions that don’t involve denying entry to the guide dog owner.

**Steps to Take in Case of Refusal**

If a guide dog owner is refused entry into a shop or taxi, there are several steps they can take to assert their rights:

  • Stay Calm: It’s important to remain composed and respectful while advocating for your rights.
  • Educate: Politely inform the individual or service provider about the legal rights of guide dog owners under the Equality Act 2010.
  • Request Reason: Ask for a clear and specific reason for the refusal. Understanding the rationale can help guide your response.
  • Collect Information: If possible, gather information about the incident, such as names, dates, and locations. This can be helpful if you decide to take further action.
  • Contact Authorities: If the situation isn’t resolved through communication, consider contacting local authorities, such as your local council or the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).
  • Seek Legal Advice: If the issue persists, seeking legal advice from organizations that undertake disability rights and discrimination law can provide valuable guidance on the appropriate steps to take.


Guide dog owners in the UK are protected by robust legal rights that ensure their equal access to public spaces, including shops and taxis. The Equality Act 2010 serves as a crucial framework for combating discrimination and promoting inclusivity. By understanding their rights and taking proactive steps in case of refusal, guide dog owners can assert their independence and contribute to a more accessible society for all.

If you have had any issues exerting your rights, please give one of our members of staff a call on 0161 850 9911.