Unveiling the Veil: Business Energy Hidden Commission Claims and the Potential for Dilution and Rescission


In the dynamic landscape of business energy contracts, companies often find themselves grappling with unforeseen challenges, one of which is the presence of hidden commissions. These covert charges, lurking beneath the surface of seemingly transparent agreements, have become a significant concern for businesses seeking fair and cost-effective energy solutions. In this blog post, we shed light on the issue of hidden commission claims in business energy contracts within the UK, exploring the potential avenues for redress and the legal concepts of dilution and rescission.

Understanding Hidden Commissions

Hidden commissions are concealed charges that energy brokers or suppliers may include in business energy contracts, often without the knowledge or consent of the client. These undisclosed fees can significantly inflate the overall cost of energy services, impacting a company’s bottom line. Unscrupulous practices related to hidden commissions have prompted increased scrutiny, leading to a growing number of businesses exploring their options for reclaiming overpaid amounts.

Hidden Commission Claims

Businesses that suspect they may have fallen victim to hidden commissions have the right to pursue a claim against their energy supplier or broker. The first step in this process is often conducting a thorough review of the energy contracts in question. We can assist in identifying any hidden commissions and assessing their impact on the client’s financial obligations.

Dilution and Rescission:

Two legal concepts that may come into play when addressing hidden commission claims are dilution and rescission.

  1. Dilution: Dilution occurs when hidden commissions dilute the benefits intended for the client in the energy contract. In such cases, the client may not fully realize the expected cost savings or favourable terms initially negotiated. Legal remedies for dilution may involve seeking compensation for the diminished value of the contract or negotiating revised terms to restore the intended benefits.


  1. Rescission: Rescission is a more drastic measure, involving the cancellation of the contract altogether. If hidden commissions substantially impact the fairness and validity of the agreement, a business may pursue rescission to void the contract and seek restitution for any payments made. Rescission aims to place the parties in the position they would have been in had the contract never existed.




Businesses in the UK navigating the complex terrain of energy contracts must be vigilant against the presence of hidden commissions. Pursuing claims for redress, whether through dilution or rescission, is a legal avenue available to those seeking to rectify the financial harm caused by undisclosed charges. Consulting with one of our legal professionals specializing in energy law is crucial to understanding the intricacies of hidden commission claims and exploring the most effective paths to resolution. By unveiling the veil on hidden commissions, businesses can protect their interests and foster a fair and transparent energy marketplace.

Protecting Your Heart and Your Wallet: The Rise of Romance Banking Scams


In today’s interconnected world, finding love online has become increasingly common. However, along with the opportunities for romance come the risks of online scams. Romance banking scams, in particular, have been on the rise in recent years, leaving victims heartbroken and financially devastated. As a trusted law firm dedicated to protecting our clients’ interests, we feel compelled to shed light on this alarming trend and provide guidance on how to safeguard against these fraudulent schemes.

What are Romance Banking Scams? Romance banking scams, also known as romance scams or sweetheart swindles, involve perpetrators building fake romantic relationships with individuals online for the sole purpose of defrauding them of their money. These scammers often target vulnerable individuals who are seeking companionship, exploiting their emotions and trust to manipulate them into sending money.

How do Romance Banking Scams Work?

The modus operandi of romance banking scams typically involves several stages:


  1. Building Trust: Scammers create fake profiles on dating websites, social media platforms, or online forums, portraying themselves as attractive, charming, and trustworthy individuals. They invest time and effort in cultivating a relationship with their victims, often engaging in extensive communication via messaging, emails, or phone calls.


  1. Manipulating Emotions: Once trust is established, scammers exploit their victims’ emotions, weaving elaborate stories of hardship, tragedy, or urgent financial need. They may claim to be in a precarious situation, such as needing money for medical expenses, travel costs, or unexpected emergencies.


  1. Requesting Money: After gaining their victims’ sympathy and affection, scammers request financial assistance. They may ask for money outright or concoct elaborate scenarios to persuade victims to transfer funds, often using various excuses to justify their demands.


  1. Disappearing Act: Once they’ve obtained the money, scammers typically vanish without a trace, severing all contact with their victims. By the time the victims realize they’ve been deceived, it’s often too late to recover their losses.


The Impact of Romance Banking Scams

Romance banking scams can have devastating consequences for victims, both emotionally and financially. Beyond the financial loss, victims may experience feelings of betrayal, shame, and embarrassment. In some cases, the psychological trauma inflicted by these scams can be long-lasting, affecting victims’ trust in others and their ability to form genuine relationships in the future.


Protecting Yourself Against Romance Banking Scams

While romance banking scams can be difficult to detect, there are several measures you can take to protect yourself from falling victim:


  1. Exercise Caution: Be wary of individuals who seem too good to be true or who profess their love and devotion too quickly. Take the time to get to know someone before sharing personal or financial information.


  1. Verify Identities: Take steps to verify the identity of individuals you meet online, such as conducting reverse image searches or requesting video calls. Genuine individuals should be willing to provide proof of their identity.


  1. Guard Your Personal Information: Never share sensitive personal or financial information with someone you’ve met online, especially if you haven’t met them in person. Be cautious of sharing details that could be used to manipulate or defraud you.


  1. Stay Sceptical: Remain vigilant and question any requests for money or financial assistance, especially if they seem suspicious or come from someone you’ve only recently met online.


  1. Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect that you’ve been targeted by a romance banking scam, report the incident to the relevant authorities, such as the police or Action Fraud. By speaking out, you can help raise awareness and prevent others from falling victim to similar scams.



Romance banking scams represent a significant threat to individuals seeking love and companionship online. By understanding how these scams operate and taking proactive steps to protect yourself, you can reduce the risk of becoming a victim. Remember, genuine relationships are built on trust, respect, and mutual understanding – if something feels off, don’t hesitate to trust your instincts and take the necessary precautions to safeguard your heart and your finances.


If you have been a victim of this type of scam, we may be able to recover your money for you. Contact us on 0161 850 9911 or email helen.penney@khanmather.co.uk.

Enhancing Legal Practice: Should All Law Firms Implement AI-Harvey?



In an era where technological advancements are rapidly transforming various industries, the legal profession is no exception. One significant development gaining attention is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems into law firms. Among the prominent AI solutions is AI-Harvey, a cutting-edge platform designed to assist legal professionals in their day-to-day operations. In this blog, we will explore the potential benefits and considerations surrounding the implementation of AI-Harvey in all law firms.


  1. Efficiency and Time Savings


One of the primary advantages of implementing AI-Harvey in law firms is the potential for increased efficiency and time savings. AI-Harvey can streamline numerous time-consuming tasks such as legal research, document review, and contract analysis. By automating these processes, legal professionals can focus on more complex and strategic aspects of their work. Additionally, AI-Harvey’s ability to quickly process vast amounts of data can significantly reduce the time required to prepare cases and respond to clients’ inquiries.


  1. Enhanced Accuracy and Consistency


Another compelling reason for adopting AI-Harvey is its capacity to enhance accuracy and consistency in legal practice. Human error is an inherent risk, and the consequences of mistakes in legal matters can be severe. AI-Harvey, on the other hand, leverages machine learning algorithms to ensure precise and consistent results. By eliminating or minimizing errors, law firms can enhance their credibility, improve client satisfaction, and potentially reduce legal disputes arising from inaccuracies.


  1. Cost Reduction


AI-Harvey’s implementation can lead to substantial cost reductions for law firms. While the initial investment may appear significant, the long-term benefits outweigh the expenses. By automating various tasks, AI-Harvey can reduce the need for manual labor, enabling law firms to allocate their resources more effectively. Additionally, the platform’s ability to handle repetitive and mundane tasks can free up lawyers’ time, allowing them to focus on higher-value work and generate more revenue for the firm.


  1. Augmented Legal Research


Legal research is a crucial aspect of practising law, and AI-Harvey can significantly enhance this process. The platform can analyse vast amounts of legal precedents, statutes, and case law in seconds, providing lawyers with quick and accurate insights. This augmented research capability enables legal professionals to make more informed decisions, develop stronger arguments, and ultimately deliver better outcomes for their clients.


  1. Ethical Considerations and Human Touch


While the implementation of AI-Harvey brings numerous benefits, it is essential to address ethical considerations and the preservation of the human touch in the legal profession. While AI can assist in streamlining tasks and providing insights, it cannot replace the empathy, judgment, and creativity that human lawyers bring to their work. Therefore, it is crucial to strike a balance between utilizing AI-Harvey’s capabilities and ensuring that lawyers continue to provide personalized, client-focused services.




The integration of AI-Harvey in law firms offers compelling advantages, including increased efficiency, enhanced accuracy, cost reduction, and augmented legal research capabilities. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that AI should be seen as a tool to support legal professionals rather than a complete replacement for human expertise. Striking the right balance between leveraging AI technologies and maintaining the human touch is key to harnessing the full potential of AI-Harvey and delivering exceptional legal services to clients.


As the legal profession continues to evolve, law firms should carefully consider the adoption of AI-Harvey, taking into account their unique needs, ethical responsibilities, and the value that AI can bring to their practice. With the right implementation strategy and a focus on collaboration between AI and human lawyers, AI-Harvey has the potential to revolutionize legal practice and pave the way for a more efficient,






As the legal profession continues to evolve, law firms should carefully consider the adoption of AI-Harvey, taking into account their unique needs, ethical responsibilities, and the value that AI can bring to their practice. With the right implementation strategy and a focus on collaboration between AI and human lawyers, AI-Harvey has the potential to revolutionize legal practice and pave the way for a more efficient way or working


As a local family firm, we are not in the position to implement Harvey but the bigger question is if we could, would we?

A Glimpse into Life as a Trainee Solicitor at Khan Mather Solicitors by Melissa Love

Embarking on a career in law is akin to stepping into a dynamic and multifaceted realm, where each day presents new challenges and opportunities for growth. As a trainee solicitor at Khan Mather Solicitors, the journey unfolds with a rich tapestry of experiences, building a foundation for a successful legal career. Having completed my property seat and now delving into the intricacies of litigation, this blog post aims to shed light on the unique and rewarding journey of a trainee solicitor at Khan Mather.


The Property Seat:


My journey at Khan Mather Solicitors began with a deep dive into the world of property law. This initial seat provided a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in residential property transactions. From amending contracts to conducting due diligence and negotiating terms, the property seat equipped me with practical skills essential for a successful legal practice. Working alongside seasoned professionals, I had the privilege of learning from some of the best minds. The collaborative environment fostered at Khan Mather ensured that my questions were not just answered but thoroughly discussed, encouraging a holistic understanding of the legal processes at play.


Litigation Seat: A Current Endeavour:


Transitioning from the property seat to litigation has been a fascinating shift, offering a new perspective on the legal landscape. Litigation is the heartbeat of legal practice, involving the resolution of disputes through the court system or alternative methods. This seat challenges me to think critically, strategise effectively, and advocate persuasively. At Khan Mather, the litigation seat is not just about courtroom appearances; it’s about honing negotiation skills, drafting compelling legal documents, and understanding the nuances of case strategy. The mentorship provided during this seat ensures that I am not merely an observer but an active participant in the legal proceedings, contributing meaningfully to the cases I handle.


The Firm’s Values and Client-Centric Approach:


Khan Mather Solicitors prides itself on its commitment to excellence and a client-centric approach. As a trainee solicitor, I am not just learning the law; I am absorbing the firm’s values of integrity, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of justice. The client’s interests are at the forefront of every action, and the firm’s reputation for providing top-notch legal services is a testament to its unwavering commitment to client satisfaction.




Life as a trainee solicitor at Khan Mather Solicitors is a journey of continuous learning, growth, and meaningful contributions to the legal profession. Having completed my property seat and currently navigating the complexities of litigation, I am confident that the experiences gained here will shape a robust foundation for my future legal career. With a supportive environment, dedicated mentors, and a commitment to excellence, Khan Mather Solicitors is not just a workplace; it’s a thriving ecosystem where legal professionals evolve and excel.

Khan Mather & Cancer Research UK

Khan Mather & Cancer Research UK – our partnership & membership of the CRUK Free Will Service


Khan Mather are proud partners of Cancer Research UK and have been a member of their Free Will Service since 2018. Since then, Khan Mather have helped more than 300 people write their Will for free and the pledged gifts in these Wills for Cancer Research UK are predicted to be worth over £1,000,000.


Cancer Research UK has been at the heart of the progress that has already seen cancer survival in the UK double in the last 50 years.  Gifts in Wills fund a third of the charity’s research and have helped make this possible. Whether people pledge a gift in their Will in dedication to someone who has survived or in tribute to loved one’s they’ve lost to cancer, their gift will help Cancer Research UK to fund new discoveries and find new ways to outsmart the disease.


Cancer Research UK wants to accelerate progress and see 3 in 4 people surviving their cancer by 2034 and gifts in Wills are critical to that progress.


We offer the Cancer Research UK Free Will Service to anyone aged 18+ to easily write or update a simple Will for free. The service is available all year round. Most people who use the service leave a gift in their will to Cancer Research UK, although there is no obligation to do so.


Khan Mather are ready to help you put your Will in place through the Free Will Service and guide you in your consideration of leaving a gift in your Will to Cancer Research UK, after your loved ones have been taken care of.


The work that Cancer Research UK does and the progress that is being made means that more people will survive their cancer diagnosis in the future, more people will celebrate more occasions with their loved ones and more people will receive kinder, more effective treatments.


For more information about the Cancer Research UK Free Will Service, please contact Khan Mather on 0161 850 9911 and ask to speak to Georgina Hardman or gh@khanmather.co.uk or visit cruk.org/freewillservice

Understanding Disbursements: A Crucial Element in Legal Costs

As a leading UK law firm committed to transparency and clarity in our client relationships, we often find that legal terminology can seem like a maze. One such term that frequently arises in discussions about legal fees is “disbursements.” Let’s delve into this concept to shed light on what they are and why they matter in legal proceedings.

Defining Disbursements:

In legal parlance, disbursements refer to the expenses incurred by a law firm during the course of handling a case on behalf of a client. These costs are separate from the fees charged for the legal services provided. Disbursements can encompass a wide range of expenses, including but not limited to court fees, expert witness fees, travel expenses, postage, filing fees, and the costs of obtaining documents or reports necessary for the case.

Why Disbursements Matter:

Understanding disbursements is crucial for anyone seeking legal representation, as these expenses can significantly impact the overall cost of legal proceedings. While legal fees cover the professional services rendered by solicitors or lawyers, disbursements are the out-of-pocket expenses that the law firm pays on behalf of the client. These costs are then passed on to the client as part of the total expenses incurred during the case.

Types of Disbursements:

Disbursements can vary widely based on the nature of the legal matter. For instance, in litigation, they may include court fees, fees for obtaining expert opinions, or costs related to obtaining evidence or documents crucial to the case. In conveyancing matters, disbursements may involve land registry fees, search fees, or fees for obtaining property-related documents.

Transparency and Communication:

At our firm, transparency is at the core of our ethos. We believe in keeping our clients fully informed about the potential disbursements they might incur throughout their legal journey. Before commencing any work, we provide our clients with a clear breakdown of anticipated disbursements, ensuring they have a comprehensive understanding of the potential costs involved beyond our service fees.

Managing Disbursements:

Effectively managing disbursements is an integral part of our practice. We strive to optimize these costs by leveraging our network of resources and ensuring that expenses are reasonable and necessary for the successful handling of our clients’ cases. Additionally, we regularly update our clients on any changes in disbursement estimates to maintain transparency and avoid unexpected financial surprises.


In the intricate landscape of legal proceedings, disbursements play a pivotal role in determining the overall cost of legal representation. Understanding these costs is essential for clients seeking legal services, as it allows for better financial planning and prevents any unforeseen expenses.

As a law firm, our commitment to transparency means that we prioritize clear communication regarding disbursements, ensuring that our clients have a comprehensive understanding of the expenses associated with their case. By managing disbursements efficiently, we aim to provide cost-effective legal solutions without compromising on the quality of service.

Navigating the legal terrain can be daunting, but with a clear understanding of disbursements and a reliable legal partner, clients can approach their legal matters with confidence, knowing they have a firm grasp on both the legal fees and associated expenses.

Should you have any further questions regarding disbursements or any other legal matters, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive guidance and support every step of the way.