Unveiling the Ripple Effect: CTS Cyber Attack’s Impact on UK Law Firms

In the intricate tapestry of global connectivity, the recent cyber attack on CTS, a major IT service provider, reverberated far beyond its immediate scope. The ramifications of this breach seeped into various sectors, causing a significant upheaval within the legal domain across the United Kingdom. As the dust settles, the narrative of its impact on law firms emerges as a compelling tale of resilience and adaptation in the face of adversity.

The intricacies of modern legal practice intertwine seamlessly with technology, enabling efficiency, connectivity, and data management. However, this symbiotic relationship also renders law firms vulnerable to cyber threats. The breach at CTS exposed a vulnerability that rippled through the networks of law firms, disrupting operations and igniting a collective quest for fortification against potential vulnerabilities.

For many firms, the attack acted as a wake-up call, underscoring the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures. The reliance on CTS for various IT services placed law firms in a precarious position, prompting a re-evaluation of their cybersecurity protocols. Firms embarked on a fervent journey to fortify defences, investing in enhanced encryption, multifactor authentication, and fortified firewalls to safeguard sensitive client data.

The disruption caused by the attack was not merely technical; it bore a profound psychological impact as well. Trust, the cornerstone of client relationships, became the focal point of concern. Law firms were compelled to reestablish trust with their clients by proactively communicating the measures taken to secure their data and assure them of their commitment to confidentiality.

Collaboration emerged as a silver lining amidst the chaos. Law firms united in solidarity, sharing insights, best practices, and intelligence to fortify their collective defences. The attack became a catalyst for industry-wide cooperation, fostering a culture of resilience and mutual support against cyber threats.

Furthermore, regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies played a pivotal role in guiding firms through the aftermath. Guidance on compliance, reporting procedures, and cybersecurity best practices served as beacons of guidance in navigating the turbulent waters post-attack.

As the legal landscape evolves, propelled by technological advancements and the omnipresent threat of cyber breaches, the lessons learned from the CTS attack remain embedded in the fabric of UK law firms. The resilience showcased in the face of adversity, the commitment to fortify defences, and the emphasis on transparency and collaboration have redefined the approach to cybersecurity within the legal sector.

While the scars of the CTS cyber attack serve as a testament to the vulnerabilities inherent in a digitally-driven world, they also signify a profound transformation—a collective resolve to fortify defences, safeguard client trust, and forge ahead with resilience and adaptability in an ever-evolving cyber landscape.

The journey to bolster cybersecurity is ongoing, and UK law firms stand poised, armed with lessons learned and fortified defences, ready to navigate the intricate nexus of law and technology with unwavering commitment and resilience.

Navigating Care Home Fees: How to Strategically Manage Your Home to Save Money



As we age, the prospect of needing long-term care becomes a concern for many individuals and their families. Care homes in the UK provide essential support and services for elderly citizens, but they often come at a substantial cost. To mitigate the financial burden, some individuals consider disposing of their homes to save on care home fees. In this blog, we’ll explore the options available to you and discuss the important considerations when making such a significant decision.


Understanding the Care Home Fees in the UK


Before delving into the strategies for managing your home to save on care home fees, it’s crucial to grasp the basics of how these fees work. In the UK, care home costs can vary significantly based on factors such as location, level of care needed, and the specific care home you choose. Generally, these fees cover accommodation, meals, personal care, and social activities.


The two primary types of care home fees in the UK are:


  1. Self-Funded Care: If your savings and assets, including your home, exceed the local authority’s threshold (currently £23,250 in England), you’ll be considered a self-funder and responsible for covering the full cost of your care.


  1. State-Funded Care: If your assets fall below the threshold, you may qualify for financial assistance from the local authority to help cover the cost of your care. However, you’ll still be required to contribute a portion of your income towards your care.


Exploring Strategies to Manage Your Home


  1. Renting Out Your Property: One strategy to consider is renting out your home, which can provide you with a steady income stream. This income may help you meet the cost of care home fees without depleting your savings. However, this approach may not work for everyone, as managing a rental property can be demanding, and the income generated may not cover the full cost of care.


  1. Deferred Payment Agreements: In England, you can explore the option of a Deferred Payment Agreement (DPA) if you meet specific criteria. With a DPA, the local authority covers your care home fees upfront, and you agree to repay them when your property is sold, typically after your passing. This can help protect your home while ensuring you receive the care you need.


  1. Gifting Your Property: Some individuals may choose to gift their property to family members or loved ones before entering a care home. However, this can have implications for inheritance tax and could be considered “deprivation of assets.” It’s crucial to seek legal and financial advice before pursuing this option to ensure it aligns with your goals and adheres to UK law.


  1. Equity Release Schemes: Equity release schemes allow you to access the value of your home without having to sell it. This can provide you with funds to cover care home fees while allowing you to remain in your home for as long as you wish. However, these schemes also come with risks, so it’s essential to fully understand the terms and potential consequences.




Navigating care home fees in the UK can be complex and emotionally challenging. Deciding what to do with your home is a significant part of this process, as it can impact your financial stability and the legacy you leave behind. It’s crucial to consult with financial and legal professionals who specialize in elderly care and estate planning to make informed decisions.


Ultimately, the goal should be to find a solution that ensures you receive the care you need without compromising your financial security or leaving your loved ones with unexpected financial burdens. By exploring the various strategies available and seeking expert guidance, you can make a well-informed choice that aligns with your unique circumstances and priorities.


Please call us if you have any concerns about your property with regards to the above. You can call our property team on 0161 850 9911 or email us on propertyteam@khanmather.co.uk.

Unveiling Legal Realities: Dispelling Common Myths

In a world brimming with misinformation, it’s crucial to set the record straight when it comes to legal matters. In the realm of UK law, several misconceptions have gained traction over the years, especially surrounding topics like common law marriage, wills, and inheritance. Let’s dive into these myths and unveil the truth behind them.


Myth #1: Common Law Marriage Holds Legal Weight


One of the most pervasive myths is the notion of “common law marriage.” Many couples believe that living together for a certain period or presenting themselves as married will grant them the same legal rights as legally married couples. However, the reality is quite different.


There is no legal recognition of common law marriage. Regardless of how long a couple has lived together, their legal rights and responsibilities do not mirror those of a married couple. This means that property, assets, and financial matters are not automatically protected by law in the same way they would be for married couples. In case of separation, each partner generally retains ownership of their individual assets, and disputes can become complex without proper legal agreements in place.


Myth #2: Wills Are Only for the Elderly or Wealthy


Another misconception revolves around wills. Many people believe that wills are only necessary for the elderly or those with significant wealth. However, creating a will is a crucial step for anyone who wants to ensure that their wishes are followed after their passing.


A will allows you to decide how your assets will be distributed, nominate guardians for your minor children, and even specify your funeral arrangements. Without a will, your estate will be distributed according to the intestacy rules, which might not align with your wishes. It’s essential to periodically update your will to reflect any changes in your life, such as marriage, divorce, or the birth of children.


Myth #3: Inheritance Laws Apply Equally to Everyone


The belief that inheritance laws apply uniformly to all individuals is another myth that needs debunking. Inheritance laws are influenced by various factors, including marital status, the presence of a will, and the value of the estate.


Spouses and civil partners have certain legal rights to inherit, even if they are not explicitly mentioned in the will. However, cohabiting partners, regardless of the duration of their relationship, do not have the same automatic rights. If you want your partner to inherit, it’s crucial to create a will that clearly outlines your wishes.


Dispelling the Myths: Knowledge is Key


Dispelling these myths is not just about legal accuracy; it’s about empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their relationships, assets, and future. Understanding the truth behind these misconceptions can help individuals protect their interests and their loved ones.


While the UK law might not recognize common law marriage, it does provide options for cohabiting couples to protect their rights through legal agreements. Creating a cohabitation agreement can help clarify ownership of property, financial responsibilities, and arrangements in case of separation.


When it comes to wills and inheritance, it’s never too early to start planning. A will provides you with the agency to distribute your assets according to your wishes and can prevent unnecessary disputes among surviving family members. Remember, creating a will is not just for the wealthy; it’s for anyone who wants to ensure their legacy is preserved as they intended.


In a world where misinformation can lead to unnecessary hardships, understanding the legal realities of common law marriage, wills, and inheritance is paramount. By dispelling these myths and seeking accurate legal advice, individuals can navigate these matters with confidence and security.


Please call our property or wills department depending on what issue you would like to discuss on 0161 850 9911.

Exploring the Employment Relations Flexible Working Act of 2023

In a world where work dynamics are constantly evolving, governments and policymakers play a crucial role in shaping the future of employment. The year 2023 has witnessed a significant stride in this direction with the introduction of the Employment Relations Flexible Working Act. This groundbreaking legislation not only addresses the changing nature of work but also seeks to enhance the well-being of employees and the productivity of businesses. In this blog, we’ll delve into the key aspects and potential impacts of the Employment Relations Flexible Working Act of 2023.

Understanding Flexible Working:

The term “flexible working” refers to a range of work arrangements that enable employees to adapt their work hours, location, or patterns to better suit their personal needs while still fulfilling their job responsibilities. Flexible working arrangements include options such as remote work, compressed work weeks, flexible hours, and job-sharing. These arrangements have gained immense popularity in recent years due to advancements in technology, changing attitudes towards work-life balance, and the need for businesses to remain agile in a competitive environment.


Key Provisions of the Act:

The Employment Relations Flexible Working Act of 2023 recognizes the need for a legal framework that supports flexible working arrangements while ensuring fairness and productivity in the workplace. Some key provisions of the Act include:

  1. Right to Request Flexible Working: Under this Act, employees have the right to request flexible working arrangements after a specified period of continuous employment. Employers are obligated to consider these requests in good faith and respond promptly, providing clear reasons for any denial.


  1. Definition of Flexible Working Arrangements: The Act provides a comprehensive definition of flexible working arrangements, ensuring that various options such as remote work, flexible hours, job-sharing, and compressed work weeks are covered.


  1. Employer Obligations: Employers are required to review and assess the feasibility of flexible working requests, taking into account factors such as business needs, team dynamics, and potential impacts on productivity. The Act emphasizes the importance of maintaining clear communication throughout the process.


  1. Anti-Discrimination Measures: The Act prohibits discrimination against employees who request flexible working arrangements based on gender, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic. This ensures that the benefits of flexible working are accessible to all.


  1. Dispute Resolution: The Act outlines a clear process for resolving disputes related to flexible working requests, promoting transparency and fairness in resolving conflicts between employers and employees.


Potential Impacts:

The Employment Relations Flexible Working Act of 2023 holds the potential to create a profound shift in how businesses and employees approach work. Some anticipated impacts include:

  1. Improved Work-Life Balance: With easier access to flexible working arrangements, employees can better manage their personal and professional lives, leading to reduced stress and improved overall well-being.


  1. Increased Employee Satisfaction and Retention: Companies that embrace flexible working are likely to attract and retain top talent by offering a more attractive work environment.


  1. Enhanced Productivity: Research suggests that employees who have control over their work arrangements tend to be more productive and engaged. Flexible working can lead to a motivated and efficient workforce.


  1. Reduced Carbon Footprint: The Act’s encouragement of remote work and flexible hours can contribute to reduced commuting and office space requirements, resulting in a positive environmental impact.


  1. Innovation and Diversity: Flexible working can open the doors to a more diverse workforce, including individuals who may have previously been excluded due to traditional work structures.



The Employment Relations Flexible Working Act of 2023 is a significant step towards aligning employment practices with the evolving needs of modern workers and businesses. By recognizing the importance of flexible working arrangements, this Act has the potential to create a more harmonious and productive work environment while fostering a culture of inclusivity and innovation. As we move forward, it will be crucial to monitor the implementation and effects of the Act to fully understand its implications on the labour market and society as a whole.

If you have any questions about any aspect of employment law, please give us a call on 0161 850 9911.

A Solicitor’s Fall from Grace: The Consequences of Betraying Client Trust


In the legal profession, trust is paramount. Clients rely on solicitors to provide them with honest and accurate advice, ensuring their interests are safeguarded. However, in a shocking case from Essex, a solicitor recently faced the severe consequence of being struck off for deceitful conduct towards his clients. This blog delves into the story of this solicitor’s downfall, highlighting the significance of trust and integrity within the legal profession.


The Trusted Advisor:

Solicitors hold a position of authority and responsibility, acting as trusted advisors for their clients. Their ethical and professional conduct is vital in maintaining the integrity of the legal system. Clients turn to solicitors for guidance, seeking clarity and assurance in times of legal uncertainty.


The Betrayal:

In this particular case, a solicitor based in Essex, who had built a reputation over the years, was found guilty of intentionally misleading and lying to his clients. Such conduct undermined the very foundation of trust that clients had placed in him. It is not only an individual’s reputation that was tarnished but also the faith of countless clients in the legal profession as a whole.


The Ripple Effect:

The consequences of the solicitor’s deceitful actions extended far beyond his own career. Clients who had relied on him for legal representation were left not only shocked but also in a precarious position. The impact of his lies potentially affected the outcomes of their cases, causing unnecessary stress, financial burden, and potential legal repercussions.


Legal Ramifications:

When it comes to professional misconduct, the legal system has mechanisms in place to ensure accountability. In this case, the solicitor faced disciplinary action by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), which resulted in him being struck off the roll of solicitors. Being struck off means that the solicitor is no longer allowed to practice law and is effectively barred from working as a solicitor in the future. This severe penalty serves as a warning to other legal professionals, highlighting the dire consequences of betraying client trust.


Rebuilding Trust:

Instances like these shed light on the importance of trust and integrity within the legal profession. Solicitors must prioritize their ethical obligations and demonstrate unwavering commitment to their clients’ best interests. Rebuilding trust can be a lengthy process, requiring sincere efforts to rectify past wrongs and regain credibility. Remaining transparent, honest, and accountable are crucial steps towards rebuilding the trust that has been shattered.



The case of the solicitor in Essex who was struck off for lying to his clients serves as a powerful reminder of the vital role trust plays in the legal profession. Clients rely on solicitors to guide them through complex legal matters, and any breach of trust can have far-reaching consequences. It is the duty of legal professionals to uphold the highest standards of integrity, ensuring that clients’ interests are safeguarded and their faith in the legal system remains intact. By learning from these unfortunate incidents, the legal profession can reinforce its commitment to professionalism, ethics, and client-centric service.

If you are concerned that the solicitor you are using is lying to you, give us a call to discuss. We can help!

Expanding Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC): A Game-Changer for Civil Claims


In recent years, the legal landscape in the United Kingdom has witnessed significant transformations, and one of the most noteworthy changes has been the extension of Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC) across a wider range of civil claims. This development, which has been met with both enthusiasm and scepticism, has the potential to reshape the way legal services are delivered and accessed in the UK.

At Khan Mather, we believe it is crucial to explore this groundbreaking shift and its implications for both legal practitioners and clients. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of the extension of FRC, its impact on the legal profession, and what it means for those seeking justice.


Fixed Recoverable Costs: A Brief Overview

Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC) were initially introduced in the UK as a means to streamline the civil litigation process and promote efficiency. This system aims to provide greater cost certainty to parties involved in legal proceedings, avoiding lengthy and costly disputes over legal fees. FRC primarily applied to lower-value personal injury claims, but its scope has now expanded to encompass a broader range of civil claims, marking a significant shift in the legal landscape.


The Extension of FRC: What Does it Encompass?

The expansion of FRC encompasses a variety of civil claims, including, but not limited to, clinical negligence, housing disrepair, and property disputes. This extension allows a wider range of individuals and organizations to benefit from the predictability and transparency offered by fixed costs.


Key Benefits of the Extended FRC System

  • **Cost Certainty**: Clients and legal practitioners alike can now predict legal costs with more accuracy. This brings peace of mind to clients, who can better plan for their legal expenses.
  • Speedier Resolution: The FRC system encourages parties to resolve disputes efficiently, as they are aware of the capped costs involved. This promotes quicker resolution and reduces the backlog in the courts.
  • Access to Justice: With a wider array of claims now falling under FRC, the legal system becomes more accessible to a broader cross-section of society. This expansion helps level the playing field for individuals and smaller businesses.
  • Reduced Costs for Litigants: Lower legal costs are particularly beneficial for individuals with limited financial resources, as it makes it more affordable to pursue a claim.


Impact on Legal Practitioners

The extension of FRC has implications for legal practitioners as well. While some may see this as a potential reduction in fees, it also provides opportunities for innovation and specialization. Law firms may explore more efficient and streamlined processes to deliver quality legal services within the framework of fixed costs.


Challenges and Concerns

As with any significant legal reform, there are challenges and concerns associated with the extension of FRC. Some critics argue that these fixed costs may lead to a decline in the quality of legal representation, as firms may be tempted to cut corners to keep costs within the stipulated limits. Balancing cost control with high-quality legal services remains a key challenge.



The extension of Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC) across a wider range of civil claims in the UK is a transformative development that offers both opportunities and challenges for the legal profession and its clients. At Khan Mather, we recognize the importance of staying informed about these changes to better serve our clients.

As this new system continues to evolve and establish its place in the UK legal landscape, our commitment to providing expert legal services while adhering to FRC is unwavering. We believe that the extension of FRC represents a positive step towards a more accessible, efficient, and predictable legal system, and we are excited to embrace this change as we continue to advocate for our clients’ best interests.

If you have questions about how FRC may impact your legal case or need expert guidance on a civil claim, our team is here to assist you through this evolving legal landscape. Please give any of us a ring on 0161 850 9911.