

As we age, the prospect of needing long-term care becomes a concern for many individuals and their families. Care homes in the UK provide essential support and services for elderly citizens, but they often come at a substantial cost. To mitigate the financial burden, some individuals consider disposing of their homes to save on care home fees. In this blog, we’ll explore the options available to you and discuss the important considerations when making such a significant decision.


Understanding the Care Home Fees in the UK


Before delving into the strategies for managing your home to save on care home fees, it’s crucial to grasp the basics of how these fees work. In the UK, care home costs can vary significantly based on factors such as location, level of care needed, and the specific care home you choose. Generally, these fees cover accommodation, meals, personal care, and social activities.


The two primary types of care home fees in the UK are:


  1. Self-Funded Care: If your savings and assets, including your home, exceed the local authority’s threshold (currently £23,250 in England), you’ll be considered a self-funder and responsible for covering the full cost of your care.


  1. State-Funded Care: If your assets fall below the threshold, you may qualify for financial assistance from the local authority to help cover the cost of your care. However, you’ll still be required to contribute a portion of your income towards your care.


Exploring Strategies to Manage Your Home


  1. Renting Out Your Property: One strategy to consider is renting out your home, which can provide you with a steady income stream. This income may help you meet the cost of care home fees without depleting your savings. However, this approach may not work for everyone, as managing a rental property can be demanding, and the income generated may not cover the full cost of care.


  1. Deferred Payment Agreements: In England, you can explore the option of a Deferred Payment Agreement (DPA) if you meet specific criteria. With a DPA, the local authority covers your care home fees upfront, and you agree to repay them when your property is sold, typically after your passing. This can help protect your home while ensuring you receive the care you need.


  1. Gifting Your Property: Some individuals may choose to gift their property to family members or loved ones before entering a care home. However, this can have implications for inheritance tax and could be considered “deprivation of assets.” It’s crucial to seek legal and financial advice before pursuing this option to ensure it aligns with your goals and adheres to UK law.


  1. Equity Release Schemes: Equity release schemes allow you to access the value of your home without having to sell it. This can provide you with funds to cover care home fees while allowing you to remain in your home for as long as you wish. However, these schemes also come with risks, so it’s essential to fully understand the terms and potential consequences.




Navigating care home fees in the UK can be complex and emotionally challenging. Deciding what to do with your home is a significant part of this process, as it can impact your financial stability and the legacy you leave behind. It’s crucial to consult with financial and legal professionals who specialize in elderly care and estate planning to make informed decisions.


Ultimately, the goal should be to find a solution that ensures you receive the care you need without compromising your financial security or leaving your loved ones with unexpected financial burdens. By exploring the various strategies available and seeking expert guidance, you can make a well-informed choice that aligns with your unique circumstances and priorities.


Please call us if you have any concerns about your property with regards to the above. You can call our property team on 0161 850 9911 or email us on