Lasting Powers of Attorney

There are two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA). Property and Financial Affairs (LPA) and Health and Welfare (LPA).
Lasting Powers of Attorney
Property and Financial Affairs LPA
This will allow your Attorney to deal with financial matters such as:
- Running your bank and savings accounts
- Pension
- Making or Selling Investments
- Paying your bills
- Completing Tax returns
- Buying/selling a property on your behalf
Health and Welfare LPA
This allows your Attorney to make decisions about:
- The type of health care and medical treatment you receive inc. life sustaining treatment
- Where you live
- Day to day matters such as your diet and daily routine
You can only make an LPA when you are still able to make decisions.
If you lose mental capacity without an LPA in place, your family would have to apply the Court of Protection to become a ‘deputy’, to help you make decisions. This can be expensive.
The ‘Financial decisions’ attorney, can be used as soon as it is registered – with your permission and would stay in force if you did lose mental capacity.
The ‘Health and Care decisions’ can only be used when you are unable to make your own decisions.
Do I need an LPA?
Anyone of any age can enter into an LPA as long as they have capacity.
It is particularly helpful for elderly and infirm people who are or who becoming dependent on family members for help.
If you are a Business owner, you may also wish to have an LPA, in the event you become incapacitated – who would take over the running of the business?
Who should I appoint to be my attorney(s)?
You should consider carefully, who you trust to make decisions for you, if you are not able to do so yourself in the future. This could be a family member or trusted friend.
You can choose to make either or both LPA’s, if you would like help, please contact Georgina on 0161 850 9911 or email
Our fees are:
- £400 plus VAT for a Lasting Power of Attorney (Medical or Property)
- £750 plus VAT for both Powers
- These are both subject to a Court fee of £82 per Power.
How can we help you?
Contact us or call us on 0161 850 9911
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