Recently, the UK government introduced a new whiplash tariff as part of their Civil Liability Act. This tariff is intended to reduce the number of fraudulent whiplash claims made each year, which is believed to contribute to higher insurance premiums for drivers.

Under the new tariff, compensation for whiplash injuries sustained in car accidents will be capped at £4,000 for injuries lasting up to two years, and £3,600 for injuries lasting up to 18 months. This is a significant reduction from previous compensation rates, which could be as high as £5,000 or more.

The government has stated that the tariff is designed to ensure that genuine whiplash victims receive fair compensation while reducing the incentive for fraudulent claims. The aim is to create a more balanced system that benefits both claimants and insurers, ultimately leading to lower premiums for drivers.

Critics of the tariff have argued that it could deter genuine claimants from seeking compensation and lead to a reduction in the quality of medical care provided. They also suggest that the cap on compensation could be unfair to those who suffer long-term or severe injuries as a result of whiplash.

Despite these concerns, the government is moving forward with the new tariff1. It remains to be seen how effective the tariff will be in reducing fraudulent claims and lowering insurance premiums, and how it will impact genuine claimants.

Overall, the introduction of the whiplash tariff is a significant development in the UK’s compensation system for car accidents. It reflects the government’s efforts to strike a balance between the needs of claimants and insurers, and highlights the ongoing debate around the role of compensation in promoting fairness and reducing fraud.

Please call us to discuss this or any other personal injury issues. Our conveyancing department would be happy to speak to you during working hours on 0161 850 9911 or at